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Lana's POV
Today is the day I have my ceremony. We bumped it up a few days as we started to decorate later than expected...because of me.

I've been very hormonal lately. I think people are already tired of me and this is the first month of nine. I feel bad but, I also have no control.

I'm happy I am having this baby. God aloud me to have a baby. I was where it was I couldn't have kids basically. I had a slim chance and now... I have a better chance to have kids. And here I am pregnant.

I can't train, fight, race, lift heavy things, doing stressful things, and all the good stuff. They won't let me shoot a gun unless it's for an emergency.

I pulled my gun out of my waistband. We are outside. I saw a bird. Hmmm. I aimed my gun and shot it. Lewis looked at me.

Lewis- Lana
He warned

Me- it was an emergency

My brothers, sisters, Luna, and my dad are watching amused. Lucas joined with popcorn.

Lewis- you killed a bird

Me- it's trespassed

Me and my siblings fell to the ground in laughter. Lewis rolled his eyes and tried to take my gun but that's when I stopped laughing. I pulled my gun to my chest protectively.

Lewis- I said emergency's.
He said frustrated

Me- and I said I shoot a gun when I want.

Lewis- your getting on my nerves
He said angrily

That's when my brothers stepped in front of me protectively I stood on my tippy toes and held onto Logan's and Liam's shoulders for support.

Me- umm. Well. That's sorta my job. To annoy people.

Lewis- god. Your so annoying sometimes.

That's when I felt something shift inside my stomach. Anger. And the crying hormones. My brothers were wide eyed. Lewis hasn't seen this part of me. Only my brothers. They slowly stepped away from me. I was fuming.

Lewis- what.
He said confused

He was talking to my brothers. I was clenching my fists tightly. So tight I felt the skin break. Well then. This is your fault Lewis.

Lewis- Lana. Go get ready
He sighed.

My dress is in his house. I turned around to my dads house. Screw you lewis. I ignored his calls. For a good reason. When I get the angry hormones then I shoot to kill.

I really need to find something that calms me down. Oh. I also figured out the gender of my baby's. Yes. It's twins. Lewis doesn't know that yet. Or the genders. One boy and one girl.

I walked in the house making sure to slam the door with all the force I had. Which was a lot. The door literally opened back up because I broke the frame. Pictures fell of the walls. A bang echoed throughout the whole house.

I went to my bedroom. I shut my door and grabbed my guns and knives and walked to the balcony and started to clean them.

I just really want to be back in action. That's what I miss. I love my babies. But, I can't do shit with them all up my ass, well more like Lewis, always saying I can't do that and this.

I saw a cat in Lewis's yard. That one that has been getting in the trash. I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the cats head and shot it. Then it fell to the ground lifeless.

I started to clean my knives again when I saw blood on the handle. I looked at my hands. I totally forgot that my nails broke the skin. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned them.

I wrapped them with medical tape. Then I went back to my balcony and started to clean them. Lewis was on his balcony watching me. I ignored though. I saw another bird. I laid down. I shot it and it fell to the ground. Lewis looked annoyed. Screw you lewis.

This past month has been very...interesting. We have had many fights. At one point, my hormones got the best of me and I broke up with him. He knew I didn't mean it though.

I continued to clean my knives.

Lewis- Lana. Can we talk about this.
He called

I continued to clean my knives trying to stay calm.

My family is watching from my room. Lucas is still eating his popcorn knowing a lot of shit is about to go down.

I also figured out why he basically begged me to be the mafia queen on the dot. Because I was pregnant.

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