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Lewis got up and soon was in front of Lana.

Lewis- what is it babe. 

Lana- for one. What the hell are you hiding from me. I'm getting petty fed up about it.
She said angrily

She was breathing a little off due to the contractions

Lewis- what's wrong

Lana- what's wrong is that your hiding something from me.
She said angrily

Lewis- I'm hiding nothing. It's just some nasty work you wouldn't want to see babe.

Lana rolled her eyes.

Lana- sure it is. Now help me to the gang hospital or infirmary because my water broke and I am in labor.

Lewis's eyes widened. He took the bag and helped Lana to the infirmary where the doc, Grey came in. She handed Lana a
Gown and soon Lana was changed and doc grey came back in.

Doc- Lana. Go ahead and lay down.

Lana did as she told her to do. Lana laid down.

Doc- are you going to have an epidural.

Lewis wants her to get one but Lana doesn't believe epidurals are good.

Lana- no

The doc nodded. She left and Lewis looked at Lana.

Lewis- Lana. You need the epidural.  I can't watch you in pain.

Lana- I don't believe in epidurals lew. You know that. I'm an ice. Always will be.

Lewis nodded and put Lana's hair into a messy bun. A breathless Lee and Lucas walked in.

Lee- babygirl, how are you feeling.

Soon the rest of her siblings, friends, and Luna were in here.

Lana- could be better

Lewis- just get the e-

Lana- no. I'm not getting the damn epidural. I'm an ice Lewis.
She said tiredly

Luke- um well then.

Lee- Lewis son, Lana doesn't believe in epidurals. None of the Ice women do. Like putting there children up for adoption is terrible to them. And a abortion. Also very terrible. Sooo I would leave it there. If Lana doesn't want the epidural she doesn't need it.

Lewis nodded defeated

Lilly- your going to do great.

Noah- I'm going to be an uncle right.

Colten- yeah. Me too.

Lana- you guys are going to be uncles. Like Jason too. Then Ava, Sadie, Hazel, and Millie are going to be aunts. My brothers and sisters. Uncles and aunts.

Leo- me too

Lana- you too.

Leah grabbed Lana's left hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Luna- I'm so excited. I'm going to be a grandma.

Lana chuckled

Liam- you get to train after the little babies are out

Luna- then back to fighting and racing

Lana nodded. The doc came back in and checked the centimeter

Doc- your at five.

Lana nodded.

Doc- okay. I need everyone in the waiting room. Except for the grandfathers and grandmother and the baby daddy.

Lee, Lucas, Luna, and Lewis all stayed while the rest left.

Lee- uhh Lewis, you might have a few broken bones in your hand as Lana is an Ice so.

Lewis nodded. He was holding her right hand. Luna walked over to Lana's left side and held her hand. Lucas sat beside Lewis while lee sat beside Luna.

Luna- you two.

She motioned to Lee and Lucas

Luna- no monkey business

They groaned playfully.

Mafia Queen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora