Captive III

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Keith's POV:

"She holds your child within her, red paladin."

"No. No." I said falling to the floor. No. Why? It's all my fault she's suffering. 

I have to get her back. I love her. I love my unborn child.

I have to save them.


Lance's POV:

She's pregnant with KEITH'S baby?! I'm happy for the guy,but........isn't he gay?

Sure seemed like it in the Garrison.


Shiro's POV:

Poor kid.

He finds out he's going to be a dad but his kid and it's mom are stuck on a Galra ship.

Strangely it reminds me of Adam but I'm the one who was trapped. Unable to reach him.

I comfort Keith as best I can. I get why he's so upset now. Why he was from the start when Pidge first got trapped. He was unable to reach her.


Pidge's POV:

How can I get out of here? My bayard doesn't seem much help but I can at least try breaking the locks if my bayard will be able to squeeze through the doors crack.

I transform my bayard and edge the blade through the crack on the side of the door to bend the lock.

After a few tries, I hear a slight click.

Since there was no keypad on the inside, I had to try pushing the heavy door manually.

I pressed my hands against the cold metal and pushed to the side. The door opened inch by inch.

Once it was wide enough, I took my hands away and huffed. I looked out the door to spot no current guards.

I spoke too soon as I heard them approaching ever so loudly. Their metallic footsteps bouncing off the walls. I waited for them to get close enough and then jumped out of the cell, taking both down.

I again looked both ways before running quickly down the left side hall.

I stopped now and then to avoid century occurrence and to glance into open rooms in search of my armor.

After about 10 minutes of going in circles around the maze of halls, I found my armor guarded by a sleeping Galra soldier in the room. I ever so quietly tiptoed into the room and slipped into the safety of the armor.

The soldier began to stirr and open his eyes. I froze as he did not realize me at first. Then I charged at him as I saw he was about to yell for help.

Once he was over with, I slipped on the helmet and turned on the comm.


"She-she's moving!" said Allura just before everyone else stepped into their hangar.

"What?" said Hunk.

"It says here her location is changing. She's within the ships halls!" said Coran.

Everyone followed as the red dot that resembled Pidge on the screen, moved slowly along the corridors of the ship.

They continued to watch and look for any sign of a trick as Allura quickly called Keith back into the control room

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