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I arch a brow as Chris stands before me. "Dealers? Were- are they drug dealers?" I question. "And did he go alone?!" I hear a sigh escape the gang member's lips. "He's got it." He tries to reassure, I presume, folding his muscular arms across his chest. "Rio can handle them-" He pauses at the sight of obvious frustration as it piles me, and I lick my lips and can't help but to blink repeatedly - processing the gang member's words.

I let out a humorless laugh, running a hand through my hair. "You could've went with him! And the same dealers that got someone killed...?!" I blurt, only to see Chris grin in turn. "You must've forgot who Rio is and what he's capable of..." He says lowly, earning my head to shake at his words. "I..." I narrow my brown eyes at the tall gang member. "Why did he go, anyway? Is it because Mikey? Is he, like, trying to make them pay for what they did, or...?"

Chris shakes his head. "You shouldn't be involved in this, Victoria." He sets his jaw. "Get home. It'll be a while before he gets back." I stand on the cemented porch to see Chris turn around, and enter the building, that is, before looking back over his broad shoulder. "Did he know I was going to stop by here?" I ask hurriedly before the gang member can shut the metal door. Chris fixates his gaze on me once again, before he nods. "Somehow, he did." He shrugs, and gives me a once over, something teasing lurking behind his irises - as if he knows something I don't - before he shuts the back metal door. I stand with my hands in the pockets of my jacket, the cool breeze enveloping me as I stand still, facing the closed door. The night is silent, and I avert my gaze onto the cement below, before lowly exhaling the breath I held.

I turn around, and jog down the porch steps to get to my car. After I get in, I start the ignition, only to throw my head back and shut my eyes in peace. A sigh escapes my cool lips.
Dealers? Drug dealers? I recall Chris' information as the words replay in my mind.
...Look, Rio won't be back for a while, maybe...
...Rio took off days ago to take care of the dealers...

I grasp the steering wheel, peeling my brown eyes open. I go to back out, and exit the rocky lot of the back of the building. I take the backroads, as usual, and steady my concentration on the dark roads ahead of me; flashes of light every few seconds beam down from light poles as I near home.
For now, there's not much I can do about the gangster being gone...maybe nothing at all, rather. So, what? Now I go back to heavy working at the Hospital...leaving the house to only run errands or work, again and again...and binge on the Bachelor...
That's all that's left for me to do, without him, right? Without having to save his boys? Without his unexpected pop ups? And how long will that be?

Finally, driving down my street, I pull into my driveway. Parking and turning off the ignition, I sit in silence after taking out my keys. I find myself looking ahead, blankly, toward my garage. ...Is there something I can do to... I shake my head, and laugh. What, check on the gangster? See where he is, what he's up to? I run an exhausted hand through my hair.

'You shouldn't be involved, Victoria...' The gang member's warning flashes into my mind. But when a woman is told not to be involved in something, if she's reckless enough, what does that make her want to do?
Knowing the answer for myself - I suck in a low breath, and I grip the steering wheel and turn on my car once again, before I can think this over and try to stop myself. I swallow, lightly, before backing up from my driveway. I cruise down my road, quite unsure of where exactly I'm going - but it's him, and his domineering, husky voice and laid back ways keep flooding my thoughts. I have to.

No Bachelor tomorrow. Or no sitting down on my couch drinking a glass of red wine, staring at a blank tv. I'm getting involved...and Rio should've known-
Before I make it onto the end of my street, a pair of beaming, bright headlights shine in front of me - blocking the road ahead. I come to a stop, my foot pressed down on the brake as I hear a car door shut in the night. I watch a silhouette come from the darkness and walk in front of the beaming headlights before me. Why right here there's not a working light pole when I need it?! I steady my gaze carefully on the silhouette that approaches my window by my side. I'm hesitant, before I place a finger on the button, and roll my window down. My eyes examine the tall figure, before they lean into my open window frame. My gaze flicks onto the familiar pair of Rio's dark eyes, when he blinks his lashes, holding my gaze.

The gangster furrows his brows, his chocolate brown eyes blaze with curiosity. "Wanna tell me what it is that you're doin'?" He questions, lowly, huskily. I suck in a quiet breath, watching the gangster stand straight, folding his hands as his gaze still fixes on me seated in my car. "Get out." He orders - I can see his jaw clenched hard from here. I raise my brows, watching him still stand in waiting. I note his tone, serious, and purse my lips. I open my car door, to slam it shut and plant my feet right in front of the gangster's vigorous warmth.

"What?" I breathe, vapor escapes my cool lips and diffuses in the winter air. "Are you angry? Because it's me and you...business as usual, remember?" I turn his own words on him. I watch his jaw remain hard, when he blinks his long lashes and nods slowly, before licking his lips and searching my eyes.


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