"So where is she?" Jihyo added the question.

Since Ms Yoona never mentioned where she is now. Well she's right infront of her that's a fact because that girl is me. But they don't know. I just wanted to know what the records shows about me and Jihyo help me with that.

"Well reports says that she is not at the Yoo's family manor. It was empty and more like deserted no one have leave there for weeks. Until now we still don't know her whereabouts. But the Police said she's probably dead." That statement of her made me froze in the spot.

Jihyo eyes were wider than a pingpong ball now. It shook both of us. We look at each other. And I'm on the verge of tears. They thought that I'm dead.

"That's why, their family name is extinct now. Since there were no trace of the last bloodline." She added and finished her explanation.

I'm still stunned by the information. I clenched my fist as I hold the anger. I look around me. The other students are back in their books. Jihyo its still patting me. It caught the attention of Sana and Nayeon.

As they whispered and asked if I'm okay. No I'm not okay, what would they feel if suddenly they inform you that you're known to be dead in this world. I calm myself down as I'm going to ask her my last question.

I raised my hand again for the second time. And she stopped. "Wow you guys are really into this topic huh? Never have I experience this much of a questioning. It feels like I just committed a murder." She let out a small chuckle and the whole class went along.

"Well what's the question now Jeongyeon?" She asked. I hesitated on asking her but I built a courage to ask anyway.

"You said that the accident happened in a factory, what were the purpose of them going there? And where is the building? In the article it just shows a solid ground with no buildings what so ever." It was the longest question I have ever made.

And Ms Yoona is now more serious than ever. Because it was weird that a 17 year old kid is asking her such a detailed question.

By the way I forgot to mention that all of them are 17 years old except for the school meal club, the J-Line and Jihyo which is 15 and 16.

"Why are you asking this much of a question Jeongyeon?" She fake smiled at me and look at me thoroughly.

"Nothing. Just for reasearch." I made up an excuse which make Nayeon confused.

A girl who hated history is making a research about The Yoo family. What an unexpected thing to do. She sighed close her notebook and started to search for something on her bag. She then grabbed out a file the ones that they use on the police station. And place it on the desk.

"Well, the purpose of them going there. It's still unknown. Since no one was close to them. No one actually knows what their purpose was and what were their intention. But The Police did several investigation on their homes and found threat notes on their manor."

"Coming from a notorious villain gang. They expect that those villains kidnapped their child on the factory and torture them." She said which made all of the students confused.

"Then why didn't the article mention it?" I ask her again.

"It's just a hypotesis Jeongyeon. They still haven't clarified it." She stated.

SuperHumans (2yeon X Twice)Where stories live. Discover now