minato looks at them all and they leave

the man that had pulled the kunai out takes me to the injured.

i begin treating them the best i could telling the man to wrap an injury or gather supplies for me.

30 minutes had past and minato was back with more suna nin to carry the injured back

"lets go, we have to join up with Bear and Dog" i tell minato.

we leave and track down the two.

we join them in the fighting once again killing the enemies without mercy.

i sigh as i use my shadow jutsu to hold over 100 enemy ninja in place.

as i do that Haru slaughters them, we had done this thing a lot when we were still on team 7.

i notice Kakashi is beginning to tire out "Bear aid Dog, Yondaime with me" i say

Bear and Dog are fighting but i could tell both were very close to running out of chakra.

"head back to base for now, next group will be heading in now" i say

minato heads back as ordered.

i head over to Kakashi and Haru to help them.

i see Kakashi being attacked by 4 ninja.

i blow a fire ball that knocks 2 out

Haru comes over to me and we take out the rest with Kakashi.

"that's our shift, we head back and continue in 5 hours" i tell the two

they nod and we head back to base.

we pass the group that was taking over.

"go and tell wolf to take a break with us, we need to eat then go to sleep so we're ready" i tell haru

Kakashi and i head to the food tent that is very empty.

i see minato already seated.

we sit and wait for haru and Genko before we get our food.

"how was the med tent?" i ask genko as we sit back down each of us with a tray of food

"packed, there are so many injured" he tells us

"that's what war does" haru says taking a bite of his bread

"how is it out there?" genko asks

"messy, i noticed the enemy nin have more numbers, its a major problem" i tell genko

"i need to go and speak to baki after." i tell the group

"i have to ask... not to be rude but Bear why did you say Bird was out leader" Kakashi asks

"simple i trust her, plus she is an anbu captain. i don't know you or your abilities" haru tells him

"i am also an anbu captain. i think i am also a better suit for being the captain" Kakashi says

"if that's what you think then go ahead" i tell Kakashi

"do you not care?" Kakashi asks

"I've been captain on a number of missions... literally all my missions, it'd be nice for someone else to be" i tell him

"i think its best if Bird stays captain, Bear, Wolf and I all know and trust her. the three don't know you that well." minato says

"i'm fine with that" Kakashi says

"alright i'm done, i'll stay captain. you 4 go and rest, i have to go and report" i say standing up

the 4 of them leave and go to the resting tents

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