Misgendered (Part Two) (Compleated)

Start from the beginning

"There are seven levels here at SI. Level 1 is for janitorial staff and tour groups so they can go where ever they are needed or touring but only with a higher ups permission. Level 2 is for receptionists and tour guides and they pretty much are the same as the janitorial staff. Level 3 is for newer interns and they are allowed in the same place as there supervisors. Level 4 is for more experienced interns and they can go into any lab or business department with permission. Level 5 is for normal scientists and business people and they are allowed in any lab or business department without needing permission. Level six is for higher up scientists and business people and they are allowed the same as the lower scientists and business people plus a few personal labs or offices. Level 7 is for the family of the Avengers and they need an avenger with them at all time. Level 8 is for Avengers who aren't here a lot and they can go anywhere in the tower beside personal labs or offices. Level 9 is for Avengers who live here, they are allowed in the personal labs or offices but need permission. Level 10 is the last level and this is only for me, Tony, and one other person has this and this is unrestricted access to every part of the tower," Pepper says and the class other than Flash, Ned, MJ and I just blink.

"Are there any questions?" Pepper asks and everyone shakes their head.

"I am going to be passing out level one badges for you. If you lose it then you will be kicked out so don't lose it.

Pepper then passes out badges forgoing giving MJ, Flash, Ned, and I any as we don't need then one and two we already have ours.

From there we begin the tour. At first, everything seems like it would be fine but I keep hearing this thumping as we are looking around the Avengers museum and I flush when I see a case on myself including original suit and web shooters.

"We will now be moving onto some labs that Tony has let us visit today," Pepper says trying to steer us to the door and out of the room but the vent above the door opens up and Clint drops through it and lands on the floor. Everyone besides my friends and Pepper scream and jump in fear.

"Hello, kiddies!" Clint says and I groan.

"What are you doing here Katniss?" I question walking right up to him and glowering at him.

"Just want to say that the rest of the team will be joining you and your class for lunch," He says and I glare at him.

"Tell them to stay away or I will beat all of their asses in training and you know I can," I threaten but Clint laughs.

"They thought you would say that so they said it's worth it. I'll see you up there kid," Clint says and then runs out of the room as Pepper advances on him with her clipboard ready to whack him.

"Now that he's gone, off to the labs we go," Pepper says.

Pepper then leads us into some labs and I go straight to helping the people already in there after I am waved away by Pepper before I even asked her.

My whole class pretty much ignores the lecture on what is going on in these labs in favor of watching me mix chemicals screaming when it explodes in my face making my face look Seamus Finnigans after he tries a spell.

"Well that didn't turn out the best," I mutter and try to wipe a lot of the soot off with a towel but traces remain making my classmates laugh when I turn back to them once I hear the lecture wrapping up.

"We will now be stopping in the cafeteria for lunch before going to a conference room to do a quick Q&A with the Avengers and after that, you will leave to go back to school for the rest of the day," Pepper says totally on top of everything.

We make our way up to the cafe as I like to call it and it's dead silence other than the large table of children, otherwise known as the mightiest heroes alive. While the rest of the class stairs in stunned silence my friends and I just burst out laughing.

My whole class along with the teacher looks at me as if I've lost my marbles but I just shake my head and take across the cafe alone.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought you all were on a mission?" I question once I reach them.

Before anyone could answer Mr. Cooper's whinny voice yells out,

"Miss Parker, Get back here right now!" Making everyone at the table freeze and look at the man with murder in their eyes.

"Guy's drop it," I say when I see them all getting up.

"Miss Parker, I told you to come back right now!" Mr. Cooper yells and that's all it takes to have every avenger having a weapon pointed at him.

"Peter is a boy, not a girl. If you can not comprehend that then get out of this tower this instant," Mr. Stark threatens and I tense, this is not going to end well.

"Are you throwing me out because of this Thing? I have more of a right to be here then she does," Mr. Cooper says and I look down at the ground and shame and feel tears threatening to fall.

"Get. Out," Mr. Stark says but Mr. Cooper stands firm.

"This Thing is not going to ruin the other students trip like she ruins their school days," Mr. Cooper says and this let's lose the flood gates.

I start crying as I run and push past anyone who got in my way to the elevator. I didn't see Mr. Stark punch Mr. Cooper nor did I see him punch back. I only saw the smooth metal walls of the elevator as it takes me up to my room.

I run out of the elevator and into my room and slam my door shut. I don't really care if my door is now broken and the handle is now in my hand, I just dive on my bed and roll myself like a burrito and face away from the door.

After maybe ten minutes of this, I hear footsteps coming closer to my door and I burrow even deeper into my bed and blankets. I hear the footsteps coming into the room and it can only be Mr. Stark judging by the sound of the footsteps.

"Peter?" Mr. Stark asks hesitantly and I nod.

"Can I give you a hug?" Mr. Stark questions and I nod while smiling just the smallest bit, it's a thing that has to happen while I'm in an overload, if not it makes things worse.

Mr. Stark wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his chest.

"You know nothing that man said is true right? You're not a thing, you're Peter Parker. A he. A him. You know that right?" Mr. Stark questions and I nod into his chest.

"The others set up a Disney movie marathon with all of your favorites," Mr. Stark says and that perks me up a bit.

"With cream puffs?" I question and Mr. Stark laughs.

"You know it, I really have no clue how Bucky makes them so fast," Mr. Stark says and I grin.

"Alright," I say and sit up on my own will and get out of my bed but keep my blanket and walk into the living room where the smell of cream puffs are along with all of the Avengers with soft smiles on their faces and a movie marathon.

My life may not be perfect but as long as I had this, a family, I would be fine.

Author here. Hope you liked it.

Signing out for now.

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