"Seems friendly," I remarked dryly, willing my pulse to slow.

"He's not happy that Sam invited you here, don't take it personal," Jared said. "How long have you lived with the Cullens?"

"Four years, since I was fourteen. Best decision I ever made," I said, adamant in defending my family against their prejudice. "Sam supposed to be back soon?"

"Yeah, any minute now. He's out on patrol with Embry. They thought they caught whiff of some unfamiliar vamps earlier, and wanted to run an extra patrol this afternoon just to be safe."

I nodded, and was relieved when Jared struck up conversation with Quill, leaving me to take a seat beside Bella. A woman walked into the kitchen. She couldn't have been very old, perhaps mid-twenties at most. Her most distinguishing feature was the claw marks that tore down the side of her face. I knew better than to stare.

"Are you Rowan? Sam mentioned you might be coming down today, I hope everyone has been friendly," she said, offering me a kind yet hesitant smile. "I'm Emily."

"Everyone has been perfectly civil," I assured her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella's mentioned you before. Apparently your cooking is to die for."

She beamed, and I knew I had said the right thing since she pulled out a large bag of cookies and offered me one. "Just be glad I hid these from the boys, otherwise they'd be gone by now!"

"Thanks, they look delicious!" I said, taking one of the large cookies. I took a bite. It was soft and bursting with flavor, and I sent her a thumbs up of approval.

She laughed. "I'm glad you like it."

The door opened then, admitting entrance to a massive man who was trailed by a shorter, but no less intimidating, companion. I assumed this was Sam, as he made a beeline straight for Emily. The other must be Embry. He cast me a curious glance but said nothing, instead reaching for the cookies Emily left out.

"Rowan, I'm glad you could come down," Sam said. His voice was deep and rumbling.

"It's no trouble," I said, finishing the cookie with a large bite. His lips twitched upwards like he wanted to smile.

Instead, he addressed everyone else in the kitchen. "I need the house, please. Jared and I have things to discuss with Rowan."

There was authority in his voice, and while it had no particular effect on me the wolves immediately stood and left, trailed after by Bella. Emily too left the room after pecking Sam on the cheek.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. They glanced at one another before Sam spoke.

"First, we want to ensure that the Cullens are not harming you in any way," Sam said, his arms crossed and face serious.

I shook my head vehemently. "No, no, never. They saved my life, and they've never given me any reason to fear them. Plus, would they really let me come down here if they were hurting me? They know they can't cross the line with me."

Jared nodded. "Fair enough. Second, you know the particulars of the treaty, do you not? The Cullens cannot change you."

"I am aware," I said, carefully minding my words. I didn't want to give away my new position as queen of the vampire world. "If I am to be changed, then it will be of my own choice, and I will do it in a way as to leave the Cullens blameless of the affair."

"If that is the case, will you hold the same treaty with us as the rest of your family?" Sam asked.

"Yes. I will not be a threat to the lives of your people."

Tenebrous ↠ Volturi Kings {1} ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora