Accidental Hero

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Shit. I'm late, "Why the hell hasn't anyone woke me up yet!" I yell from my shared room, fumbling to put on my new school uniform. I walk out and into the kitchen, hurrying to find something to eat. Actually. Scratch that, no time for food, if I go now I'll only be ten minutes late.

"What do you mean, we've got plenty of time, [M/N]?" Izuku questions me from the dining table. "Also, your breakfast's here." He points to the seat opposite his, while I stand there, absolutely dumbfounded. I look like a mad man, messed up hair, mismatched buttons and a complete look of disarray.

"Right, new school." I say as I defeatedly stumble to the table.

"Also, could you please not shout, the neighbours get annoyed." I mumble an apology and eat my food in silence.

"What is there to eat?" I ask.


"You know." I take another bite of food. "For lunch. I don't wanna go hungry, I need to at least make a sandwich."

The freckled boy looks at me as if I'm an idiot. "We have a cafeteria." He simply states.

"Oh." We finish eating our breakfast in silence and leave for school.


"Don't we have a new student today?"

"Really! Wow!"

"I hope they aren't like the last transfer..."

"Yeah, that guy was weird."

A lean man steps into the classroom, clapping to get the attention of their students but the children don't quiet down.

"Ha! I don't care who the hell this new guy is! I bet he's just another loser!" A spiky ash blond jumps onto a desk, releasing small explosions from his palms.

"Hey, it could be a girl!" A brunette calls out but no one listens.

"Hey, you shouldn't be too harsh, Bakugo."

"Students, quite down..."

"What kind of quirk do you think they have?" Another kid asks, at the same time activating his own quirk.

"Please, let me begin class"

I'm getting fed up with this now, these students are practically bullying their teacher. I grimace, thinking about what would happen if this happened in my old school. Disruptive behaviour like this would've earned you a weeks detention, or maybe a report, depending on your record, which no one wants to be on. Hell, if it were me I'd get thrown straight into isolation. Growing even more sorry for the teacher, I slam the sliding door open and every trains their gaze on me.

"'Sup." Wait, I shouldn't have said that. Too edgy, "I mean, Hello. My name is (L/n) (Y/n)." I introduce myself, hoping that I was able to cover up my mistake. I need to follow the straight and narrow, no more trouble making, or something like that...

"Any questions?" The teacher asks but already the students are babbling amongst themselves about myself.

"Any questions?" I repeat for the teacher, this time earning a response.

"Yeah, what's your deal? Why the hell are you coming to this dump?" The same explosive blond asks.

"Katsuki Bakugo, Right?" As soon as the words rolled off my tongue the students erupt on conversation, wondering how I could know one of their classmates.

"How the hell do you know my name!" He shouts, infuriated. He seems so agitated that you can see the smoke emitting from him. Wait, that's actual smoke, I forgot his quirk does that.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin