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Marcos P.O.V

i sat outside his room. 'he doesn't remember me, he doesn't remember me, he doesn't remember me, he doesn't remember me.' i repeated over and over. i wiped my face and left the hospital. i can't face him anymore, he doesn't even know me, he doesn't remember our past. i walked up to my girlfriends door. i knocked and waited. she opened the door and smiled at me.

"hey baby, how's your day." she said with a smile and kissed my cheek. i knew what i had to do.

"jackie listen." i started i already wanted to cry. she looked taken back at first. she probably knew what was happening.

"marco, i know. i knew this was going to happen." she looked away. i felt guilty, i didn't want to but i kinda needed to.

"just go. i don't want to hear the words. i just thought you would have just stayed a little longer." jackie shut the door. i turned around and started to walk away. 'i hate my life.' i said almost starting to cry again. when i got home i laid down and bursted into tears.

"t-tom." i sobbed into my pillow. this is all my fault if i didn't get mad at him, maybe none of this would have happened. maybe i should have just shut my mouth, i shouldn't have confronted him about that girl. it's all my fault i lost him. soon enough i ended up falling asleep.

Toms P.O.V

when i woke up the doctor let me out of the hospital. the first place i went is to stars. i needed help with everything. i don't even know where i live, or where i am supposed to be. when i got to stars i knocked. i waited for a while. then he opened the door.

"h-hi marco, is star here?" i said faking a smile. god he looked like he hasn't slept for days, or that he has been crying for days. maybe both. he didn't even say anything. he just left the door opened and walked away.

"Star, tom is here." he called upstairs. after that he looked back at me.

"you can come in." then he walked to the kitchen. he sat at the table. he wasn't even cooking, he just sat there, blank.

"oh hey tom." star said. i smiled. me and star talked for a while. i asked her lots of questions. then she told me about a bell that could take me back to my home.

"marco where is that bell?" star asked. she seems so happy all the time. i like that. marco stood up and came into the living room. he had the bell in his pocket.

"here." he put it on the table. he seemed hesitant.

"why do you have my bell. stealing?" i smirked. he didn't take his eyes off the bell.

"no. i borrowed it from an old friend. i was excited to see him again. but he never came back." marco looked me in the eyes. i seen tears starting to form in his eyes. he turned around and went to his room. i looked to star. i started to see tears in her eyes too.

"star are you ok?" i asked. she looked up and me and smiled.

"y-yeah, uh let's go to your house now." she said. i nodded my head. she rang the bell and a carriage appeared outside. we both entered the carriage.

i thought for a bit.

'hahahaha.' i hear in my head.

"m-marco?" i said. i heard his laugh. like he was here. as if something happened in this carriage.

"tom?" star asked. i turned towards her.

"star i need to do something." i said taking a gulp.

"sure? what is i-" i cut her off as i leaned in starting to kiss her. she pushed me away and wiped her lips. she started to shake and cry.

"star, im sorry, w-was it bad? we can try ag-" i was cut off. she stood up and glared at me.


"well i'm not gay s-" she cut me off again.

"no you are bisexual, you loved him, and of course you don't remember, you tried to kill yourself because marco broke up with you!" she screamed. my eyes started to water.

'I seen you kissing someone girl when i was coming over to see you. I CAME OVER TO PROPOSE! But i find you kissing someone else! Y-you where k-kissing her YOU DIDN'T PUSH AWAY!' i hear in my head. i don't remember, but i know.

"i love marco." i said covering my mouth as i cried. i feel my heart start to hurt.

"oh god what have i don't." i said. star came and hugged me. after a while i went into the house i don't remember. i just hurt.

i look on the table. there was a note, a dead rose, and a necklace. i sat down on my couch. it didn't feel good. i didn't feel good. i grabbed the necklace and opened it.

it was a locket. there was a picture of me and marco kissing. beside the locket on the necklace there was a ring. on the inside it wrote.

'forever & always.' i really fucked up.

i opened the note.

'Dear Tom,

i love you. i am sorry for overreacting, i should have listened to you when you kissed her, maybe you had a good reason. now i'm just a fucked up loser to you. take care of star, i know you care for her more than me.

my vows,

i promise to love and cherish you till death, no matter what we go thought, thick and thin, you are there for me when i need you. thank you.


i have to see him. i started to run. i felt power. i seen a bright light, then i was engulfed into a flame then i was in marcos house. i felt it all come back. all the memories.

"m-marco im sorry." i said running up the stairs.

"tom?" i see star. i hug her.

"i remember and i'm sorry." i said smiling.

"r-really tom?" star said smiling and crying.

"YES, now i have a fiance and see." i smile running to marcos room. i open the door.

"oh my god."

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