Chapter 17: The Boy With Fire in His Eyes

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Jon felt the blistering cold wind against his face, and soaked body, having only broken free of his underwater prison a few moments prior. He was supposed to be freezing, but he wasn't. Instead he felt heat surge through his body and exit his eyes in another (barely) controlled blast of energy.

"Aaaggghhh!" A man cried as the watch tower he was stationed in crumbled to the icy snow.

Arrows and bullets zipped past Jon, effortlessly dodging them. The one that did hit him simply bounced off.

Jon studied the area, his eyes covered in a red mist he zoomed through the monastery, leaving a path of firey destruction in his wake.

Landing in one of the collapsed buildings, he heard a man calling out for help. Jon immediately rushed in, grabbing the man's arms and pulling him out of the rubble.

The man smirked, seeing the boy save him. "I've heard Superman is naive. Its not a surprise his son is no differen- hhhrnkk! Ehhk-" the man choked, as Jon gripped his neck.

"Where is he?" Jon asked bluntly, his usual giddy personality all but gone.

"Hhngg.. ehhk-" the man struggled to breath, Jon threw him into the wooden wall, the wall breaking from the impact.

Jon walked through the rising smoke, wood breaking beneath his feet. He neared the man's shaking and crumpled form.

"Tell me.." Jon began, grabbing the man by the collar.

"Where. Is. My. Damian." Jon demanded, as his eyes began to glow a deathly red.


Damian's skin sizzled against the hot irons being pressed against his back. Damian gritted his teeth, fighting back tears from the pain.

"He's... he's almost here.. h-hehe.." damian smirked then spat out blood.

He was covered in bruises, blood oozing from his wounds. He knelt there, chained up and helpless. Despite the torture he enduring, what hurt most for the youngest Wayne, was his pride, he did not fear death, nor did he he fear more agony; however, what he did fear was the look on Jon's he'll have to see when he sees him like this.


Jon dropped the man's unconscious body, as he heard his telecom watch activate.

"Superboy." Batman's voice echoed through the device.

Jon didn't answer, he didn't care. All that mattered was saving Damian. Simply crashing through another wall, leaving the monastery to crumble to pieces.

"Where are you?" Batman's commanding voice made his question come out as more of a demand.

Jon whizzed through the air before shooting his heat vision, blasting through another concrete wall.

"Damn it Jon-" Batman slammed his fist into the computer before he was cut off.

"Son. You listen to me, I know you want to save Damian, but now's not the time to play the hero. Sending us your coordinates is the best chance we have of saving your friend." Clark called out to his son.

Jon paused mid flight as the assassins scrambled to their posts.

"Fine." Jon said, sending out a pulse becon before continuing on his rampage.

Meanwhile in the watch tower.

"We've got his coordinates. Narrowing." Batman said, as leagers huddled together on teleporter pad.

"Damn it, signal's blocked." Batman gritted his teeth in anger.

"Is there anything you can-" clark was cut off.

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