Imagine #5 - Ian Somerhalder

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{Award Show}

Note: This one is a little bit different; You'll see why. Hope you enjoy!



You were on the red carpet with your now husband, Ian. He was up for some awards tonight for his part as Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries and of course, you were here to support him. You, also being in the industry, were also up for an award and he was always there to support you. 

On the carpet you stopped to take pictures and the whole time, Ian's arm was wrapped around your waist and holding you close to him. He was incredibly protective over you. Along the way, you also stopped to take interviews and talk to people. Ian was pulled over to have an interview, you were stood next to him, with another interviewer but you heard everything he had to say.

Interviewer: Ian! It's so great to see you here tonight. I have to say, I am loving the new series of Vampire Diaries and the development of Damon throughout. What is it like playing a character like him?

Ian: I mean, he's one of kind to say the least but it's always great to see what he's going to say next because he has some iconic lines, like you don't get any better than that. It's also great to see him grow in the way that he has and how he's matured, yes he can still be childish and impulsive but he's beginning to let people in a bit more and I'm excited to see what's next for him and excited to see him and Stefan bond as brothers. 

Interviewer: Speaking of Stefan, what is it like working with Paul Wesley? Do you too argue as much as Damon and Stefan do? 

Ian: Absolutely! *Laughs* No, me and Paul get on very well which is why it's so easy for us to play brothers who secretly really care about one another and have each other's backs. He;s incredibly talented and I'm glad that we get to share this adventure and experience with each other. 

Interviewer: Is it true that Paul introduced you to your now wife? Congratulations by the way. 

Ian: Thank you. Me and my gorgeous wife, (Y/n), we had a mutual friend in Paul and he introduced us a few years back and that was it. I owe him so much because she is truly one of the greatest things in my life. I still cannot believe why she is with me, absolutely clueless in that respect but I am madly in love with her. Shh! She doesn't know. In all seriousness I cannot wait for the next chapter in our lives. 

Your heart melted as you heard what he was saying but little did he know, the next chapter was about to begin as you were pregnant and you were finally going to get the family that you wanted. 

Ian Somerhalder + Damon Salvatore {Imagines}Where stories live. Discover now