Atem's Competition🥰💐😍💖 Seto's Competitor 😻🌹😘💋

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The next day Isra and Qetesh sit on either side of Yugi as he and his friends sit in the audience to watch the first duel of the championship as well as see who's dueling "wow! can you believe this crowd?!"  Yugi asks "it's huge"  Téa who was sitt...

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The next day Isra and Qetesh sit on either side of Yugi as he and his friends sit in the audience to watch the first duel of the championship as well as see who's dueling "wow! can you believe this crowd?!"  Yugi asks "it's huge"  Téa who was sitting next to Qetesh replies "look Joey's trying to scare the competition with his weird chicken dance!"  Duke who was sitting next to Isra says pointing to Joey who was up on the stage with the other duelists "I need some female friends"  Téa replies placing her hand on her forehead both Qetesh and Isra roll their eyes at her "peace and love baby!"  Tristen says into the camera holding up two peace sign hand signals with a grin on his face Téa smacks the back of his head and says "try acting normal.... just this once"  Qetesh says softly "I thought that was normal!?!.... after all who wouldn't want their two seconds of "fame"!?!.... though if you're trying to get yourself a girlfriend you might want to think of some catchier pick up lines!"  Duke chuckles as they hear Roland say through the microphone "and now make some noise for our Master of Ceremonies!"  the crowd cheers as a puff of smoke forms around the stage and stage lights wave as a smaller stage that had Mokuba standing on it rises "Mokuba!"  Yugi says with a surprised tone "do they always have to be so dramatic?"  Tristen asks Isra chuckles softly as Mokuba raises a microphone of his own that he was holding in his hand up towards his mouth and says into it "so are you people ready to get your duel on?! I can't hear you! I said are you people ready to see some dueling or what?!"  the cheering from the crowd gets louder Isra and Qetesh couldn't help but chuckle as Mokuba continues "good! cause it's time to kick of the greatest Duel Monsters Tournament ever organized!"  Isra mutters softly with a playfully disagreeable tone "I don't know the other two tournaments were pretty good!"  as Mokuba continues "and before the week is through we may have a new International Duel Monsters Champion!"  Qetesh tease softly with a playful tone as she and Isra hug Yugi and rub their cheeks up against his "how dare he say that!.... there's no one better than our Yugi!!"  both Atem and Yugi chuckle as Mokuba says "so give it up for the current title holder Yugi Moto! give a shout out to your fans Yugi!"  the crowd chats "Yugi! Yugi! Yugi! Yugi!"  and the camera pans onto Yugi's face just as Isra and Qetesh kiss his cheeks at the same time and a deep red blush forms on those cheeks "um.... some other time then"  Mokuba says into the mic Duke, Isra and Qetesh chuckle "sorry Yu"  Isra says softly "it's ok"  Yugi replies with a smile as Mokuba says "so now direct your attention to the Kaibatron! cause it's time to kick off our all-star tournament with the first round match ups! starting with Block A the first competitor to strap on a duel disk will be.... Joey Wheeler! he'll be facing off against our mystery duelist! a man whose true identity remains unknown-- Apdnarg Otum!"  Isra smiles and says softly "I hate to say this but.... go Sol!"  Yugi look at her and asks with a soft surprised tone "so it is him!?!"  she nods then says "let's just hope he doesn't "let" him win!"   Mokuba says into his mic "now moving on to Block B up and comer Leon Wilson faces the good doctor.... Richard Goat!"   Qetesh cheers loudly with a happy tone "go Leon!!"  Leon blushes as he smiles and waves at her "but before the duels get underway there's someone we all want to hear from! so let's try this one more time Yugi come on up here and say a few words!"  Mokuba says into the mic "do you want us to come with you!?!"  Qetesh asks softly "no.... I can do this!"  Yugi replies Qetesh nods at him with a smile Yugi nervously stands up and starts walking he notices Isra nod up at the stage "you mean I have to go all the way up there?!"  Yugi asks nervously she nods and replies softly "just be yourself and you'll do fine!"  Yugi nods then gulps and heads up to the stage where the other duelist and are as soon as he got there and started waving at the crowd Seto flies above the dome in his Blue Eyes Jet then down to the stage with a jet pack on his back and this time Qetesh gulps nervously then she rushes up to the part of the stage where Mokuba stands and moves him out of the way as Seto lands right where Mokuba was standing the Jet pack falls off Seto's back as his eyes meet Qetesh's then wander up and down her body approvingly just like he did whenever she got "all dolled up" as the girls call it and yet as always she was without makeup which many girls put way too much of on "looks like someone needs to work on their landing skills!"  Qetesh mutters as she hands over Mokuba's mic that she took from him when she moved him out of the way then she walks back down to her seat without a single glance Seto's way which made his heart hurt but he was here for business purposes pleasure would have to wait.... till he could get her to forgive him YET again.... "all right.... I'm going to make this brief this is not a show it's the ultimate test of survival and it will push everyone involved to their limits if you came for a friendly game then I'd suggest you go home this is a ruthless battle! and in the end only one duelist will remain standin! now if everyone's clear let's move on! from this moment forward Kaibaland is a battlefield! so trust no one! and may the best duelist win!"  Seto says into the mic his eyes kept returning to Qetesh as he spoke and yet she never looked at him which not only hurt his heart but made him feel sad once Seto finishes his speech the crowd chants "Kaiba! Kaiba! Kaiba! Kaiba!"  which made him feel a little bit better but not much....

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