37- Body Bind Curse

Start from the beginning

"I'll go out this summer for you, I don't need anyone to come with me, I'm nearly a full animagus now and I don't need help. I will try and find mum and dad if it puts an end to this for you-"

Grey couldn't even finish his sentence before his younger sister had thrown her arms around him. Grey sighed and sank into the hug, a painful pit in his stomach. He knew how much this meant to Liana but the only issue was going to be getting permission from Christina to go.

"Thank you Grey- thanks for not giving up on them," Liana muttered into Grey's shoulder as her brother held her tightly. Around them a soft breeze blew, lifting Liana's mass of red curls and she pulled away from her brother, her eyes glassy with happiness and emotion. She chuckled at herself, realising how dramatic she was most likely being.

"But you know Christina won't approve of this," Grey gave a stern look but couldn't keep it up for long as he soon broke into a small smile.

"Oh what does that matter,"Liana laughed, prodding her brother in the shoulder. "Now what was the real reason you came here?" She asked.

Grey froze where he was sitting and a wash of fear came over his eyes. He looked to the ground in an eerily similar fashion to how Liana had done minutes before.

"I-I-it doesn't matter-" Grey tried to bluster his way out, shaking his head and he turned a bright scarlet and Liana could see in the hot sun he was starting to sweat.

"No go on-" Liana encouraged, slipping down a step so Grey couldn't attempt to leave.

"Well um- i've been doing some thinking lately-"Grey began nervously, his gaze solely focused on his hands in his lap. He ran a hand through his hair roughly and tapped his foot on the ground, seemingly trying to build up the courage to say something.

"Liana listen, I've known this for a few months now and I -I can't keep it a secret anymore-" Sighed Grey. Liana frowned, leaning forward in concern.

"Liana I'm gay."

Liana's jaw dropped in surprise as she stared up at her brother, and without warning for the second time that evening she launched herself at Grey, her small arms wrapping tightly around him.

"I support you Grey, if you are gay this changes nothing- it just means you are becoming yourself," Liana told him firmly as she pulled away. Grey had turned a beetroot red but had the look of immense relief on his face.

"Who else have you told?" Asked Liana curiously.

"erm- Fred, George and um -Will," Confessed Grey, Liana nodded and gave her brother a quick pat on the shoulder.

"My only question, is how come those idiots got to know before I did?"

THE third task was something that had been causing Liana many anxious feelings over the last few days. She couldn't understand why she was nervous, it was hardly like she was going into the maze.

She had often found herself now plagued by nightmares every time she closed her eyes. They were strange nightmares to say the least.

She would be lying there in on a bed, except she was outside of her body looking down at herself. Beside her, her mother would be stood, talking softly to her in jumbled words she couldn't process and everything would seem well until a strong wind whipped up around them. Liana would look towards her mother's face and see the hazel eyes filled with despair as her mother vanished from before her in a gust of strong wind.

She would wake up in a sweat, wishing she had never shut her eyes in the first place.

Harry had eventually gathered something was wrong, which was of course why they had both taken to sleeping in the common room beside each other, it was like some kind of unspoken agreement between them.

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