Chapter 9//Plans Gone Awry

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Hana's breaths were coming out much shorter than they should have been. She pressed her cold hands to her flushed face, trying to cool herself down. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest.

   Hana was exhausted because she'd helped drag a practically knocked out Hoseok to the backseat of a car.
  This situation had occurred because he was drunk again.

   He had ruined her plans and she was royally ticked off.
   However, Hoseok sat by her grinning like an idiot, knowing fully that he had ruined her date with Bong Ki.


   That week Friday night had come suddenly, and she wasn't mentally prepared for the date.

   Hana didn't date. It was a waste of time for her.
    Playing the dating game with the opposite sex had always struck her as immature.
    Through the course of her late adolescence and adult life, she had gone on a few dates here and there, but they hadn't ever turned into relationships.
   To Hana, that was fine. She was content to hang out with friends and family and pursue her career.

    When Bong Ki had asked her on the date she hadn't thought it would make her so nervous.
   However, on Friday she found herself dizzy with nerves.
    It took a good forty-five minutes to pick out her outfit.
    After trying on item after item, she chose a simple T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. She knew it shouldn't have taken so long to pick out something so plain and simple. But that changed nothing.
    She redid her makeup and hair.
    And then she waited nervously until 5:30, the time Bong Ki had promised to pick her up.
   The two of them planned to go to a local Chinese restaurant and then go to watch a movie.

   Obviously, it was a cliché first date, Hana knew that but she didn't care.
   She was determined to have fun and determined to do it without Hoseok.

    Usually, Hoseok would spend his free Friday nights with her when he was home, but he hadn't spoken to her since the previous weekend.

    Hana had resolved not to think about him tonight. Tonight was about her and Bong Ki and their first date.

   Right on time, Bong Ki knocked on her apartment door. When she opened it, she was greeted by his smiling face and a bouquet of flowers.
  She thought that he looked extremely fine, wearing blue jeans and a pale pink sweatshirt. He had styled his hair differently and she noticed how nice his hazel eyes complemented his brown hair. He looked casual, and she had only ever seen him in his work attire. It was a pleasant surprise.
   Hana wondered how someone could be so fine in just a T-shirt and jeans.

   "Hello, Hana. I, uh, brought you some flowers." He held out the bouquet of beautiful blooms. They were roses, peonies, and primrose pink ladies. The soft pinks and reds looked sweet against the color of his sweatshirt.  He looked down and his face reddened. "You look gorgeous tonight."
   Now it was her turn for her face to redden, resembling the pinkest shade of the flowers in Bong Ki's hands. She ushered Bong Ki in while putting the flowers in a vase.
    While she filled the vase with water, Bong Ki studied the print of one of her favorite artworks hanging on the wall. As she walked towards him he mentioned it.
   "This is really cool. Where'd you get it?"

   "My friend brought it back from one of his trips for me. It's my favorite painting from that artist."

   "The friend who works for the aid organization?" His tone was casually curious, but Hana felt like she was being interrogated. Especially because Hoseok was the last person she wanted to think about tonight.

   "Yeah, Hoseok gave it to me." Hana tried her best to convey through her tone that she did not want to talk about the aforesaid friend, and luckily, Bong Ki seemed to get the unspoken message.

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