Star Struck - (Gundham x Sonia)

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Gundham laid down on the floor of his cabin looking up at the ceiling. He had nothing to do which was a rare event for him. His hair flattening out against the hardwood floor a little and off to the sides, he didn't have it up like normal he had it down today. The four dark divas were out of their pen, gundham still keeping an eye on them not wanting any of them to cause any trouble, he smiled happily as he watched them all run around, he loved them and there was no doubt about that.
     Gundham never really loved much, besides animals anyways, but he was sure that the feeling he got around Sonia was not a normal feeling for him. His heart always beat faster when he was near her and his face always got so hot, Gundham didn't quite gave the full grasp of what was going on but non the less he did research, most of with he found was showing he may have some emotional feelings towards her.
    He couldn't help it, she was nice, kind, gentle, caring, considerate and on top of a list of endless other reasons, she was beautiful. He smiled to himself at the thought of her before there was a knock at his door
    "Coming!" He said as he picked up the four dark divas and walked over to the front door of his cabin, his face yet again got a little red as he got nervous and fumbled over his words "oh...miss Sonia, hello," he said trying to play it off cool, now knowing about what this feeling was he seemed to be acting a little awkward, but Sonia payed no attention to it as she happily smiled and tilted her head to the side
     "Hello Gundham! May I come in?" She said as she looking into the cabin, seeing a bunch of stuff for animals such as a corner piled with feed and a large hamster cage. This seemed to humor her as she giggled a little. Gundham nodded and stepped to the side allowing her into his 'home' before closing the door and walking in behind her, she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, gundham doing the same.
    "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to watch the stars? Something that might help our minds to get away from all this mess," she said happily as she placed her hands in her lap.
    "Sure, what time?" He asked as he smiled and laid down onto the bed, his legs hanging off the side as Sonia smiled
     "Well right now silly! It's almost 11:00 pm!" She laughed as gundham shot back up and looked at the clock
     "It's that late?!" He asked as he stood up dusting off his coat "please excuse me for a second miss Sonia," he said as he took his hamsters over to their pen and placed them inside carefully and gently wanting hem to get some sleep.
     Sonia as well stood up and walked over to the cage as she extended one hand to pet Cham-P lightly, gundham stoped and let her pet him before he put him into the cage happily and turned to her
     "I would appreciate if we didn't star gaze to long, sleep is important miss Sonia, you need to rest better," he said clearly blushing a little from her interest in the dark Divas.
     "We won't, maybe only a half hour?" She said smiling before she reached out and grabbed his hand pulling him out the door and down the path into the park area. Gundham followed close behind seeing as he had been practically dragged, he didn't mind the physical contact of Sonia's, he quite enjoyed it actually.
    They both had laid down on the grass looking up and into the sky above them at the stars as they shone and shimmered in the moonlight, after a few minutes however Gundham found himself looking over at Sonia, almost staring.
     A darker blush growing on his cheeks as he looked at her, her hair against the grass entangled with almost every strand. Her eyes a brilliant blue and her lips so soft. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he looked back up at the stars not being able to think that they even began to describe beautiful when Sonia was next to him.
     Sonia however had taken notice of Gundhams blush and stare as she smiled brighter and looked over at him "is there something you wanna say?" She asked sweetly as she sat up: Gundham did the same and sat up on the grass blushing and looking down at his feet
     "...miss Sonia...please, don't let anything I'm about to say affect anything between us," he said as e placed his hands on his knees
"But for some time now I can't help bury come to conclusion that my emotional attachment to you has...well become stronger," he said as he looked to the side. Sonia smiled and crawled over to him placing her hands on his as she leaned closer and closed her eyes.
     Gundham had no idea what to expect so he did the same, he closed his eyes and waited as Sonia leaned closer and closer till finally closing the gap between their lips. Gundham smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her blushing madly as she kissed back, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close before pulling away for air.
     "I guess you were stargazing at something else huh?~" Sonia Spock softy against the quiet hum of the midnight darkness.

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