Handsome and Hunting (Kiyo x Shuichi)

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•semi NSFW
•very slutty
•Kiyo's subplot! If you don't know what that means basically incest (Kiyo and his sister)
Kiyo was in his room laying on back spread out across his cloth sheets, his hair curled around him almost like waves outlining his face and upper body. His arms resting on his chest as he breathed happily looking at the ceiling.
"...what is this feeling?" He asked himself as his cheeks flushed a bright red and his heart pounded faster as he looked to the side at his locked bedroom door.
"...I think I like him..." he said to himself again as he tried to get junk of reasons that would be an irrational possibility. But he couldn't find any. The only person he had ever loved, ever wanted, was his sister...
in all honesty the more he thought about it the more it scared him. His past everything she did to him, he regretted it all.
But all the same he couldn't seem to turn away from it, he was still drawn to the thought of sister, this and that, but things had slowly began to change when the killing game started. He always thought about doing thinks he liked with his sister, wanting badly to do them, like to study and cuddle, or to watch a movie as a date, but recently he's been replacing her with his friend. Shuichi.
He kept finding himself wanting to study with the black haired man, wanting to rant on and on about ancient civilizations and all the different relics found in the different places, all having something do do with the way they had lived. It was all so fascinating to him, and he wanted to talk to Shuichi about everything he knew, he wanted to lay beside him...
The only thing pulling him back was him lacking the confidence. Kiyo was so scared to even bring up relationship topics around the boy, he didn't wanna end up blushing and not being able to cover it up. But that was unavoidable now.
A knock came from the door, once, twice and a third. Kiyo stood up and walked over opening the door to his room and finding himself looking down at the man he was thinking of.
"Hey Kiyo! Wanna spend free time together?" Shuichi asked as he stood there smiling and looking up at Kiyo sweetly. Kiyo a bit choked up nodded and invited him in politely.
"...Shuichi..." He said quietly as he shut and locked the door behind him. This startled the smaller male and he backed up a little having no escape.
"Y-yah?" He asked as he tried to stay calm
"I wanna talk about something," Kiyo explained as he walked a little closer. Shuichi backed against the wall with his hands held up in front of him as Kiyo pinned him to he wall, his hands on either side of Shuichi.
"A-about what?" He asked as he tried to look for the quickest way to escape if needed.
"...love," Kiyo responded as he grabbed Shuichi's wrists and pulled him over to the bed practically tossing him onto it and crawling on top of him quickly and quietly.
"K-Korekiyo w-w-what are you doing?!" Shuichi struggles as Kiyo blushed a light pink at the sight of He boy below him
"What does it feel like to truly be in love?" Kiyo asked simply
"W-well, you wanna be around them a lot...and you kinda wanna spend every moment you can with them," Shuichi smiled and looked up making eye contact with Kiyo and then looking to the side blushing as he felt the cloth sheets below him, hey were soft and silky like satin, but not quite, not silk either.
Kiyo seemed to blush a little more as he got off of Shuichi "my apologies for such rude and irrational actions," he apologized as he stood up beside the bed and fixed his clothing
"It's okay, j-just shocked me a bit," Shuichi smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck and sat up looking over at Kiyo as he sat down in front of him. Kiyo moves to the side and sat beside Shuichi before scooting closer.
"I like someone," Kiyo admitted as he looked away from the man beside him.
"I know," Shuichi said as he leaned against Kiyo and smiled as he laid his head on Kiyo's shoulder
"I like you too Kiyo," he said as he closed his eyes and continued to lay there. Kiyo smiled and laid his head on Shuichi's as he moved his hand placing hair on his gently and lovingly

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