"You have to be careful sensei or you wouldn't want the mask to drop down on the ground." Boruto said, joking. He tried to lighten up the mood for a bit.

Kakashi chuckled.

"I guess you're right. No one wants to see what's beneath this mask." he said as he finally stood up from the ground while the rookie blonde acted as his support.

"Yup, just small tiny mole on the chin," Boruto thought to himself. He had actually seen the full face of his Uncle Kakashi back in the future. He realized that he was indeed the photographer himself.

As the rookie finally helped the latter recover from the ground, their view was suddenly blocked by Naruto, who was carrying the young Kazekage along with an assistant clone.

"So where are we off to now?" he asked.

"Well, I received a message from Gai." Kakashi spoke. He would go on to explain that there was a nearby open field somewhere around the forest. The good thing was that they only needed follow a pathway towards the field, which was the main road itself.

Naruto nodded in understanding.

"Understood, Kakashi-sensei." He just simply said.

Everyone was glad that there were no more battles to handle to right now. They were feeling a bit burnedout and exhausted about the whole ordeal. They immediately set out their journey towards the certain open field that they were told to go to. The open field would turn out to be everyone's meeting place.

As for Boruto, his thoughts directed to his little sister and raven haired teammate. He hoped that they were already in the meeting place in one piece.


"With all the things going around right now, you just hope for your friends and loved ones to be alright.



It was a surreal moment for one pink haired teen. She took comfort from cold breeze of the wind and especially her pleasant green surroundings. She currently found herself and others in an open field somewhere in the forest. She thought that this could be the perfect place for the rest of the team meet up with.

Sakura took a deep breath to released all the tension that was building up inside. She was glad that everything was over. Rescue missions much like this were a big challenge and most of them would end up very badly. As for this mission, she considered it much the same but it somehow end up in the most unexpected way possible.

The pink haired Kunouchi then darted her eyes towards the raven haired rookie who was still in her sleeping state. She gave a smile of relief as she was glad that the girl hadn't sustain any serious injuries and was alright. There was this strange feeling that she was having around the rookie. It seemed that during the fight with Sasori, she felt this great sense of worry building up inside of her. It was an unexplainable thing as she didn't know the girl personally and she had just met her in this mission.

"Sarada," She muttered the rookie's name under her breath. The name itself sounded so familiar. She also wondered why her name was based on a "Salad". Whoever gave her that name, that certain person must really like salad to begin with.

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