Chapter 7

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~Later that night~

Kam is in her bedroom lying on her bed and absolutely devastated with her current situation.

"I want to tell Martin that I'm the MP he's so desperate to find, I really do...But...I'm nothing but a friend to Martin, so even if I did, I would just make things worse between us. Besides, it's for the best. This way Martin can love a princess...and as long as we can still be friends, that's more than enough for me..." Kam says regretfully, but with full resolve.

~The Next Day~

It's early in the morning, Martin and Joseph are preparing to leave for the Crystallian Kingdom.

"Your Highness, I don't mean to intrude, but have you seen Kamille?" Joseph asks as he prepares his horse.

"...I have not actually, I assume she's is still asleep. She has been working extra hard these last few days and she deserves the rest." Martin replies.

"...You really think highly of Kamille don't you?"

"Yes, I do!" Martin says proudly, "Kam is not only a dependable Advisor, but she is also an amazing friend. I'm really grateful for having a friend like her as my Advisor!"

"I see..." Joseph says and remembers last night when Kam winced when Martin called her his friend, "...With all due respects your Highness, have you ever really looked at Kamille?"

"...Look at Kam? What do you mean Joseph?"


"There you are Martin!" Delia yells as she stomps towards Martin, Natalie and Alice not too far behind.

"Oh...Delia, Natalie, Alice, good morning." Martin says cheerfully.

"Don't you 'good morning' all cheerfully at me when someone else is completely devastated!"

"What do you mean?"

Tries to calm down Delia, "Relax Delia, let me," Natalie says, "...Martin, we all know how much Kam 'means' to you, but we think it's time for you to know how much you mean to her." 

"Mean to her. Of course, I know how much I mean to her, she's my best friend!"

"Yes, we know that she's your best friend. But have you ever thought about her feelings?"

" guys I really don't understand what you're saying."

"Martin...Kam is really upset right now and has been for the last few days. But being as professional as she is, she's hidden it from not only us but you too." Alice finally says.

"...Wait...WHAT!?" Martin yells out, "Why didn't you guys tell me this?!"

"Well Martin as I just said, Kam is very professional and always hardens her heart when it comes to her emotions. None of us notice until today when we heard her talking in her room" Alice replies, knowing fully well she lied about the latter.

"...Joseph, ready my horse...I'll go check on her and be back soon," Martin says and runs towards Kam's room.

"Yes Your Highness," Joseph replies.

~In Kam's room~

Kam is wide awake and ready to leave her room to do so sword training. She is about to pick up her sword when Martin storms in.

"KAMILLE!" Martin says rather harshly.

"Ahh!" Kam screams as she jumps up, dropping her sword in the process, "What the hell was that for?!"

"Why didn't you tell me you're so upset?!"


"Oh don't act all innocent with me Kamille, everyone in the whole castle seems to have noticed how upset you are and yet you hide that from me?!"

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