Chapter 6

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~The next morning~

"KAM! WAKE UP!" Delia yells.

"Ahh..." Kam screams and falls off her bed.

"Kam! You got to get up!" Natalie exclaims.

"...Let me sleep," Kam groans.

"But they're looking for you!" Delia says.

"What!" Kam gets off the floor, "Who?!"

"Martin and his personal knights!" Natalie replies.


"You see Martin got up extra early today, gathered his personal knights and went into the kingdom, searching for the young lady who owns the mint green mask," Alice says.

"But why?"



"Yes...when we ran into Martin today, he said he'd do anything to find the MP who stole his heart last night," Alice says.

"And what about his parents?"

"He told us his parents just laughed and said, 'good luck finding your precious jewel'," Alice replies.

"I still don't get what they meant by jewel though," Natalie says.

"Yeah, what's that all about?" Delia asks.

*Jewel...Precious Jewel...My Precious Jewel...Wait?!* Kam says to herself, "Well...I think..."

"Kam! There you are!"

Everyone turns around and sees Martin panting at Kam's bedroom doorway.

"M-Martin! W-what are you doing here?!" Kam nervously asks.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Martin exclaims. 

"F-for m-me?!" 

"Yeah, get changed, we need to find the MP right away!"

"Oh...umm...alright," gets up, "Give me a few minutes," Kam says and walks behind her screen. A few minutes later she walks out and picks up her sword, "Ready."

"Alright! We're off! We'll see you, ladies, later," Martin says and leaves.

"Right, bye guys," Kam says and follows Martin.

There's a moment of tension and silence in the room, that is until.

"...I swear that Martin!... Is he really that thick headed?!" Delia asks, breaking the silence.

"I think your question was just answered," Natalie replies.

"Poor Kam...If only Martin could see that the MP is her," Alice says.

"That is if Kam can tell him the MP is her," Delia ads.

"Yup..." Alice and Natalie say.

~In town~

Martin, his personal knights and Kam horse-back ride all over town looking for the MP.

They ask each eligible young lady what she gave Martin when she left. If she answers correctly then she will have proven that she is, in fact,  the MP.

Unfortunately, every lady they asked gave anything but the correct answer. Shawl, diamond necklace, and shoe were just some of the answers each lady gave. With each unsuccessful result, Martin is worrying even more that he will not find his MP.

The more Kam watches Martin worry, the more anxious and hurt she becomes. Her best friend constantly disappointed with each lady that gives him the wrong answer when in reality the person he is looking for is standing right behind him. This completely tears Kam apart, she wants to tell Martin the truth, but those words her stepmother say continue to haunt her, rendering unable to speak up. *Princes love princesses, not advisors*

With dusk fast approaching and no luck with any of the ladies in town, they return to the castle to plan their next move. As they were planning, a messenger from the nearby Kingdom of Crystalian arrives.

"As the royal messenger of the Crystalian Kingdom, I've come with a message from our beloved Princess Sophie. She invites Prince Martin Grove to our Kingdom tomorrow at 10 am for she is the MP he is seeking. But she requests Martin to not bring any ladies with him," The messenger says.

"Alright then, if that is all you need to say. I will have one of the royal guards escort you out," Martin says.

"Thank you, your Highness," The messenger says, bows and leaves with the royal guard.

"Well, that settles it! We'll leave first thing tomorrow and head to the Crystalian kingdom!" Martin exclaims, "...I'm truly sorry that you cannot come with me this time Kam, it's just..."

"It's alright Martin. If that's what Princess Sophie requests than that's what she requests...I'm sure your the head of your personal royal knights would be more than happy to accompany you in my place," Kam says.

"I will be my honour to take your place tomorrow Lady Kamille, and I promise to make sure Martin is safe and maintains his duties there," Joseph, the head of the royal nights says proudly and bows towards Kam. 

"Thank you Joseph, I know you will do well in lieu of my absence," Kam says. 

"Yes, I thank you very much, Joseph, for doing this for me and thank you, Kam, for your support today and the support you've given me these past few years. You really are a true friend" Martin says proudly.

Kam winces at being called Martin's friend, "It's my pleasure Martin...What are friends for...Now, if you can excuse me, I'm off to my bedroom to get some rest," Kam says and stands up.

"No problem Kam, and thank you again for everything, good night," Martin says and waves to Kam.

"Good night Martin," Kam says, waves back and exits the room, closing the door behind her. 

Outside the room, Kam props her back against the door and tries to hold back the unstoppable tears risking to fall. 

*That's right, Martin and I are just friends, nothing more, nothing less, we always have each other's backs in any situation and we always put each other's needs before the other... Even if it means I'll never be with Martin I'll...* Kam says to herself. Unable to hold back her sadness, she bursts into tears and makes a full dash to her bedroom. 

Running pass Alice, Natalie and Delia. All three notice the tears running down her face...

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