Chapter 4

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~At the Ballroom enterence~

"I don't know if I can do this," Kam says doubtfully.

"Kam, we all know you can do this," Alice says.

"Yeah, we've seen you fight off hoards of enemy soldiers with one sword. If you can do that, then there's no reason why you can't tell Martin what's in your heart," Natalie adds.

"Very true, Kam, please, for once, listen to your heart is saying, just for tonight," Delia sternly says.

"Umm..." Kam barley says.

"Ahh, there you are M'lady."

"Nathan!" Alice says.

"You are looking as stunning as ever"

"James!" Natalie says.

"May I escort you to the ballroom Miss?"

"Christian!" Delia says.

Chuckles a bit, "Good evening gentlemen, I'm very happy you could join us at the Masquerade Ball," Kam says and curtsies.

"...Kam?...Is that you?" Nathan asks.

"In the flesh," Kam replies in a playful tone.

"Wow, you look amazing," James adds.

"Thank you."

"You look like a princess from a faraway kingdom," Christian states.

"I-I don't know about princess but..."

"For tonight, she is one," Delia proudly says.

"Come on Delia, I'm no princess..."

"Everyone, please proceed to the ballroom, the festivities will begin shortly," An announcer calls out.

"Well, that's our cue," Alice says and puts on her mask.

"Right!" Everyone says and puts on their masks, except for Kam.

"...You guys go on ahead, I need to check something. I'll catch up with you soon," Kam says.

"Alright then...But don't be too long," Delia says and walks into the ballroom, Christian, Nathan, Alice, James and Natalie follow.

When everyone is in the ballroom, the introductions for the guests are in full swing. From royalty far away to nobles of the kingdom and fellow members of the kingdom. Meanwhile... 

Kam walks down the outer hallway of the ballroom, looking at the beautiful architecture and the paintings that adorn the walls. But when Kam turns the corner, a certain picture catches her eye. The last picture on the hallway is one of Martin's family and Kam's family when they were younger. Everyone in the picture is very happy and to top it all off, Martin and Kamille are holding hands and making peace signs with their other hands.

Looking at that picture gave Kam some much-needed confidence and with that, she walks back to the ballroom's main entrance and puts her mask on.

~Insaide the ballroom~

"To all our guest at tonight's Masquerade Ball. My  Lords, Ladies, Esteem Guests, people of our land. I bid you a good evening and welcome to Prince Martin's 21st birthday Masquerade Ball," The announcer says.

"Where's Kam?" Natalie asks.

"I don't know, but she'd better hurry," Alice replies.

"I hope she's not hurt," Delia adds.

~On the Balcony overlooking the ballroom floor~

"You seem worried," King Roman says.

"...I-it's just, there are so many ladies here," Martin replies.

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