Chapter 3

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~In Kam's room~

Kam is lying in her bed, "out of all the people in the world, why did I have to fall in love with the one person who is out of my reach?!" Kam asks herself.

"Oh mother, father, I'm so sorry. You told me to be strong and to put other people's needs before mine...but..." Kam says as tears begin to form in her eyes as she clutches her diamond heart necklace in one hand and her sword in the other (the necklace and sword are heirlooms from her mother and father respectively)

*Princes love princesses, not advisors. Don't you forget that!!* An unpleasant voice says in Kam's head.

"...That's right...I'm no princess..." Kam says and quickly wipes the tears forming in her eyes, "my chances with Martin are pretty much impossible from the beginning...Why put my selfish desires before his welfare?" Kam asks herself.

"I wouldn't say that," Another voice breaks the silence.

Kam jolts up from her bed and sees someone at the door. "Your Highness," Kam says as she quickly stands up and curtsies. 

"Please Kamille, call me Flora and no need to be so formal. I really don't mind," Flora says.

"What brings you here Flora?" Kam asks.

"Alice told me what happened...and I heard what you said."


"Kamille dear," Flora says as she sits on Kam's bed, "Don't let Amelia's (Kam's stepmother) hurt you."

"But she's right, Martin is a prince and I'm nothing but a Royal Advisor. Besides, there's no need to burden Martin with my feelings when he only sees me as a friend and sister figure," Kam says sternly.

"...Do you know why your late mother would take you to the castle when she used to be Martin's PRA?"

"Because no one would take care of me at home when my father went on his merchant trips?"

"Partly correct... The main reason was that your mother and I are best friends. We wanted and hoped that our children would become as close as we were back then, and look. An herbalist became a queen and a country girl became the Lady of the well regarded noble family. Even though my son became the prince of the Kingdom and you a noble girl from the Mariano family turned royal advisor, you two still became best friends."

"...I guess that's true"

"So there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to at least express how you feel to Martin, the only thing stopping you is yourself."

"But, what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Well... you won't know unless you find out"

"I...I guess I could give it a shot," Kam says half-heartedly, "But when can I tell him? Once the ball is over, he'll be engaged."

"Then tell him at the ball"

"At the ball?!... But this is my first time attending a ball as a guest since I became Martin's PRA, Amelia destroyed all my formal clothes, I have nothing suitable to wear...unless my Advisor uniform counts"

Author's Note: When Kamille would attend a ball, she'd wear a fancier version of her PRA uniform. This will be the first ball she'll attend where she's is participating in the festivities rather than maintaining her duties as Martin's PRA.

"We can help with that," A cheerful voice says.

"Knock, knock," Another voice sings out.

"Come in Delia," Flora says.

"Delia?!... What are you still doing here?! I thought you guys went home to get ready for the ball," Kam says in shock.

"Nope... you see, he heard about your lack of clothes situation. So we decided to whip up a little something just for you. Ok, Alice, Natalie bring it in!" Delia calls out.

When Alice and Natalie enter the room, Kam couldn't believe her eyes. In Alice's hands a beautiful mint green, floor-length ballgown with a heart-shaped neckline, beaded corset and silk and tulle layered skirt. In Natalie's hand lies a matching masquerade mask and shawl.

"Y-you guys made this for me?!" Kam says in shock and overwhelmed with emotion.

"Of course we did, you're our friend and you and Martin are always helping us, it's the least we can do," Natalie replies.

"But that shade of green... Alice you said..."

"Yes, the colour is rare, but not impossible to get," Alice replies.

"True, you see, my mother was the original creator of the rare green fabric and gave me the last batch of it before she died," Delia adds.

"I...I-I don't know what to say," Kam says with tears of joy running down her face.

"No need to thank us, we just want to see you happy," Delia replies and pulls Kam into a hug, Natalie and Alice soon follow after.

"I really hate to disturb. But you only have less than an hour to get ready for the ball," Flora points out.

"Oh dear, we don't have much time now do we?" Natalie says.

"Your dresses are ready at the women's quarters. I've requested the best stylists in the kingdom to help you," Flora says.

"Thanks again Flora, for helping us," Alice says.

"Don't thank me, just have a wonderful time at the ball."

"We will," Natalie says and the 4 of them hurry to the women's quarters.

"...I hope you soon see how much Martin loves you Kamille... and there's no reason why an advisor can't become a princess," Flora says and walks out of Kam's room.

In no time, everyone is washed, styled and ready for the ball. Kam looking magical in her mint green dress, Delia looking stunning in her red dress, Natalie looking celestial in her black to midnight blue ombre dress and Alice looking regal in her lavender dress. With everyone ready, the 4 ladies head to the ball.

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