"Watching who?" Every single one of my limbs froze. The sudden sound of Rogers' voice made my eyes widen. I turned staring at him as well as Elijah. It was if I heard the light bulb go off in her brain because suddenly his signature mischevious smirk was on his face. 


My body froze. I cannot believe that b*tch just did that.


Elijah turned and walked away sending me a knowing wink over his shoulder, which said 'go-get-some.'

"Uhm. W-what?" Rogers looked at me absolutely confused. My breath quickened when his icy blue eyes stared back into my blue eyes. 


"Don't lie Barnes. I've known you for like 6 years. I know when you lie." Oh dear God, Rogers. What are you doing to me? How do you even know? Are you stalking me? I'm so confused

"What did Carsons mean by 'sexual tension?'" I cringed at the sound of Elijah's last name. It's so basic. (Sorry if your last name is Carsons) Uhg, focus Bucky. I need to answer his question. 

Uhm. OH! Totally got it!

"So you know when I told you, Elijah and Pierson,  said they want us to end up together? Weeeeellll, Elijah thinks we actually do like each other, so yeah. That's it." I tried playing it off nonchalantly but I knew it came out awkward as f*ck. I hope he couldn't hear the thumping in my chest. Rogers laughed scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, yeah, okay."

I almost did a double take. If I wasn't so good at noticing even the smallest details, I would have missed the slight disappointment in his voice. Interesting, very interesting.

Disregarding that small detail to save later for my friends, I flashed a small smile at Rogers, whose face turned a light shade of pink. I almost laughed. Flustering Steven Grant Rogers was way to fun for me.

Everything was soon becoming awkward. I was fidgeting on the spot while Rogers was sneaking glances of me. Did he really think he was that sneaky? I hope not. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Well," I drawled on, "I'm gonna go..." I swear to God, this is the most awkward thing I've experienced. With a small jog, I left our floor in search to find Pierson. My first guess is probably the library, but there was no way in hell I was going to that sh*t hole of stupid books and papers. 

I stopped in front of the library entrance trying to figure out how to get Pierson without actually entering the library. I then saw a girl in her younger year pass by me so I tugged her arm and pulled her close enough so my mouth was by her ear.

"Hey! What do you th-" I covered her mouth with my hand, ignoring the fact she licked my hand. I'll get her another day.

"Hush child. Listen, go into the library and get Pierson Archen. She's probably doing homework. Tell her that her main bitch is waiting for her." I didn't care I used follow language around her, most kids here probably use worse so it didn't matter. Confused, she walked in and closed the door in my face.

How rude!

Nevermind. Who am I to talk.

Not even a minute later my small blonde haired friend burst through the doors looking quite happy.

"A little birdie just told me what happened with you and Rogers. You guys are so my OTP."

"Did you just-"

"Yes. I dared to speak the word 'OTP.'" He said with a smug smirk. 

"I f*cking hate Eli right now. I mean seriously! Rogers and I? No way. No freakin way, that's way too weird." I started pulling at my hair in frustration. Pierson, on the other hand, was grinning and her eyes were twinkling with amusement.

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