Chapter 1 The Break In

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The strong October window burst through Taehyung window in his room howling and spitting cold snowy air everywhere in the room. Taehyung shivered as he got out of bed to shut the window and hatch it down. Taehyung sat on his bed as he couldn't bother going back to sleep tonight his insomnia was starting to act up again even after he took his medicine for them it always seems to wake him back up again. Taehyung got up from his bed and walked out of his room down the long polish wooden staircase that spiraled slightly towards the end Tae loved holding onto the end of the railing to spin off the stairs into the kitchen. The moonlight streamed through the large window in the kitchen Taehyung stood at the water dispenser on his refrigerator filling up his cup all of a sudden Taehyung was grabbed from behind his cup falling from his hand smashing into pieces on the ground, a wool glove placed over his mouth to muffle his screams
"The less you cooperate the harder it will be for you." The masked stranger whispered in Taehyung's ear
A tear streamed down Taehyung's cheek he knew it was over for him he didn't bother fighting back as he was dragged across his kitchen floor into his living room where he was tied to a chair
"What is such a rich man like you doing living all alone in the big empty house?" The stranger asked looking at Taehyung who held his head down ignoring the stranger
"Take whatever looks valuable. We can deal with this wannabe prince afterwards." The stranger said handing his accomplices dufflebags they roamed Taehyung's house that seemed like a palace to them they smashed the dishes in his cabinet and the vases that held beautiful white Calla Lillies
"Please..." Taehyung muttered
The masked stranger looked at him "Huh? What was that?" The stranger asked looking at Taehyung
"Please... don't break my things. Take whatever you just... stop breaking my things..." Taehyung said in a low weak voice the stranger laughed "Do you think you can order me order? Huh?! Who do you think you are!" He laughed as he gripped Taehyung's hair and pulled his head back looking him in the eyes through his face mask
"People like you don't deserve to bath in riches and never expect to give a dime to the ones who actually struggle out there." The stranger said
Taehyung ignored every word that came from his filthy mouth all he could hear was the smashing of things and constant banging all around the house
"Please! Don't break my things!" Taehyung repeated
The stranger slapped Tae across the face
"Don't break my things Don't break my things Don't break my things," The stranger mimicked Taehyung as he paced around the living room
"Don't break things, huh?" The stranger had a crooked smirk under his mask as he stepped up the a wooden case with glass doors there were books and artifacts instead
"No! Please don't break that!" Taehyung screamed as he thrashed in the chair
The stranger laughed as he kicked the wooden bookcase over. Taehyung sobbed heavily as he looked at the smashed case on the ground through teary eyes
"Oh, I'm going to have such a fun time tonight."

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