I was having a meeting with the guys on how to strike rynello and his allies. Apparently he's now made a deal with an irish don along with an italian don and is planning something big.

Damn! First you kill my brother, ambush me and my friends, and now you wanna plan something big?! He's dead when we find him. I was in my thoughts when somebody snapped their fingers in my ears

"Hey! Hey Tatsuo!" i heard jeremy yell.

"Huh? What is it?" I said snapping out of it.

"We're suppose to be thinking of how to take rynello down." Jeremy said in a calm tone.

Oh right. I said now aware of what we are talking about. I cleared my throat and fixed myself. "Continue jeremy."

"Okay so we all know his original base is in italy but we don't know where his house is." jeremy said.

"But the question is, How do we find him? He's got so many houses and bases around the world. So there's won't be a possibly of finding him." Boris said in a calm tone.

"Yeah. And besides his guards and associates won't be much help either." kyo said.

"Yeah I done punched and kicked the the living shit outta them and they still ain't say shit." Desmond said in a calm and anger tone.

"Yeah. Not many men can survive get tortured. Especially getting a beating from desmond." boris said feeling uneasy.

"Yeah. But on the good part tatsuo did get some info when he killed and tortured those guys who were working with rynello." marco said.

"Yes. He said he that he lives in a neighborhood in this state and he works at a job. I just don't know where." I said.

"Okay but we now need to make a deal. With my in-laws."

"What?!" They all said in unison

I nodded my head. "Come on, you can come and join us now."

We then heard footsteps coming down the stairs we all turned our heads to see ricky, jin, and zhao.
They sat at the table with us and shook hands with all three of them.

"Wait! Are these the Chang brothers?!" jeremy said surprised.

"Yes we are." jin said.

Ah so y'all them korean brothers everyone's talking about." desmond said feeling impressed.

"What?! N-no we're chinese not korean!" jin yelled.

"they not the same? I mean asians do get along so there ain't no problem about it." desmond said.

"Desmond there is a problem with that! It's racists!" Kyo said feeling offensive.

Yeah that shit's really offensive." I said feeling offended too.

"Oh shit.....nevermind then, sorry, and began talking." Desmond said embarrassed.

".......okay let's start our deal." I said forgetting what desmond said.

"Agreed." the three brothers said in unison.

~later on~

After talking about the deal and rynello we then started to talk about women.

"So i never thought that you tatsuo takahashi was the baby father of my sister in-law janelle and the boris is married to jordan." ricky said impressed.

"She never told you?" I said curiously.

"Nope. She said talking about her ex was too horrible for her to talk about." ricky said.

"Oh. So is it really true?" jeremy asked.

"What's true?" Jin said.

"That you guys are into black women?" desmond said curiously.

"Yeah. We all have kids that. Are half black. You all know ricky's married to eva, jin is married to a black woman named angel, and I'm single but I had a one night stand with a black girl." zhao said.

"Oh okay. I see all y'all! Getting y'all chocolate on! Swirling it up!" desmond said hyped up.

"So ricky, can you tell your wife to apologize to tatsuo?" Kyo said.

"For what exactly?" ricky said curiously.

She attacked me for no reason.

Yeah I'm not gonna do that."

And why is that?

Because you started it first. If you wouldn't have never put your hands on janelle then eva wouldn't have attacked you! I know what my wife is about and she is a very overprotective little sister when it comes to janelle."

I scoffed at that. I always knew eva hated me enough to attack me but I still want an apology from the rude bitch.

"You got a problem with my wife?"

"Ugh let's see ugh-oh right, yes! The bitch kicked me twice!"

"Watch what you say about my wife motherfucker. You might end up with a problem."

I chuckled at that. "Or else what?" 

He stood up and so did I. We looked dead into each others eyes. I was about to pull my gun out when I heard Desmond.

"Nigga sit yo ass down! We tryna make peace not war!"

"Yeah besides we already got rynello to worry about we don't need them to be our enemy too." Boris said.

I sat back down and so did he. I then cleared my throat.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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