chapter 13

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I knocked on kyah door and I see sonya opening the door.
Sonya: hey girl she's in the living room. All of us.
Me: okay. Is she alright?
Idk she said she wanted to tell all of us in person and all together.
Ard. I then went into the house. I walked into the living room to see the rest of the girls sitting on couch and kyah sitting on the chair. Me and sonya then joined them and sat on the couch. It was now silent. So silent it that you can hear a pen drop. Bianca then broke the silence and said with a tone filled with suspense.
Bianca: Kyah what happened?! We're getting worried and we know you got something to say, so please say it!
We all nodded in agreement. Kyah then breathed out hardly and she then said shyly.
Kyah: I.....I'm pregnant.
We were now.......fucking shocked!!!! She's pregnant?! Omg! omg! omg!
Me: Oh!
Bianca: My!
Sonya: Fucking!
Imani: God!


They still looked at me with shocking expressions on their faces. I realized that they were frozen in shock. I then snapped my fingers in all their faces and Just like that they snapped out og it.
Me: Hello? You guys haven't said anything about this and I'm worried about it! Please say something!
Janelle: who's the father?
Me: .......Jeremy.
Bianca: What?
Me: Jeremy's the father of the baby.
Imani: Wtf kyah?!
Sonya: How'd you end up fucking him kyah?!
Janelle: girls stop! We are her friends! We need to be there for her no matter what! But kyah why did you have sex with him?
Well......when ryan left the house-
Sonya: Wait! wait! wait! You fucked ryan?!
Me: Yeah.
Imani: you know what we gon talk about that later on.
Bianca: wait! Isn't ryan the possible father too?
Me: No. We used protection.
Janelle: Oh. Well continue.
Me: some how jeremy found out about me & ryan and he came storming into my house all mad cause me & ryan had sex. Next thing you know he's bringing me into my room, taking off me and him clothes and started fucking me. Hard. Really really hard. I bit my lip when thinking of what me snd jeremy did. Magical I tell you. Magical.
All: DAMN!!!
Janelle: Wow! He sounds jealous!
Imani: I know he really do!
Sonya: Are you thinking about telling him?
Me: yeah.....I'm telling him tonight.
All: Okay. They said nodding in agreement.
Did you tell the girls about it?
Me: yes. I did.
Bianca: What they say?
Me: layla was happy! She said always wanted to be a big sister and was was the cutest thing ever!
All: And McKenzie?
Me: she......she didn't really like it.
Imani: Did you find out why?
Me: yeah. I then began to tell the story.


I just got the kids from Jeremy's house. He got the kids from school but said he had to go do something so I had to pick them up and take them home. I wanted to tell him bit I was too shy so when I got the kids into the car and drove off. I then asked the kids.
Me: Um kids.....can I tell you something?
Both: yeah!
McKenzie: Yeah mom you can tell us.
Layla: Yeah mommy tell us!
Me: Okay, okay I'll tell you.
They then nodded and looked at me with full attention.
Me: How do you feel like having a new addition to the family?
They then gasped while looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Until layla broke the silence.
Layla: Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!!! I'm gonna be a big sister! Yay! I can't wait!
I waited for McKenzie's to say something until I see that she had a face filled with disappointment.
McKenzie: Mom! I don't want anymore siblings! Why'd you do that for?!
Me: McKenzie! Why are you snapping like that to me?!
McKenzie: Because you're having someone else's baby and not dad's!
Me: McKenzie what the heck are you saying?
McKenzie: I'm saying you're having sex with other men and not with dad! I'm angry because you betrayed dad by not being with him!
Is my daughter calling me a whore?! She knows I'm not with him and yet she's callimg me out?! You know what......Imma show her.
I arrived at the house. I unlocked the car doors and the kids opened the doors and I locked the car. I then unlocked the house door. The kids went into the house and so did I. I locked the door and went into the living room. The kids were about to go upstairs until I said in a stern tone.
Me: layla go upstairs. McKenzie stay down here.
Layla then went upstairs and layla stayed standing near the stairs. She looked at me with eyes filled with irritation. 'Fuck she giving me that look for?' is what I said in my head.
Me: McKenzie come here. Right now!
She then walked over to me and said while rolling her eyes at me.
McKenzie: What?
Did she just 'what' me? Oh hell nah! I not tolerating this! Not at all!
I then smacked her on the back of her head. She let out a loud scream she then said while rubbing the back of her head.
Mom why did you do that for?!
Don't you give me that attitude little girl! You not gonna call me out for having a baby and then being a smartass with that attitude!
All because I said you're going out with other men and not dad?!
Girl you know I'm not with your father! I thought you would be happy with this! What if the baby was your father's?
Then I'd be happy. But I don't like the fact that you wanna be with someone else other than dad!
Little girl how the hell would you know who I'm dating?
I saw the guy that you were with duh!
I know felt shocked at this. How did she know? How?!
H-how? How?!
I saw a picture of him on the car's floor mom! I'm not stupid!
Well it doesn't matter because it's none of your business McKenzie. thot!
When she said that I suddenly fell into black mom discipline mode. As she was about to run away I then took my belt off and grabbed her by the hoodie and put her on my knee and started to tear that ass up!
I finished beating her and I sent her upstairs to her room. And I just sat down thinking about how to tell everyone about the news.

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