chapter 20

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Btw I'm changing wei jr's name to jin)


It was october 21st on a sunday and we're still planing on a-lot of things. The boys are interrogating the suspect while me and the girls are making the plans for uncle xiao's funeral. Sometimes I think that they think women can't help with the big stuff. But I'm worried about janelle. I don't know why but my sister senses are tingling Angel then comes to me and asked with a concerned voice.
Angel: Eva are you okay?
Me: Oh! Y-yeah. I was just thinking about someone?
Angel: Is it......janelle?
Me: Yeah. How'd you know?
Angel: I can tell. And I have that same feeling about my family too.
Me: Oh I see. Do think I should call her?
Angel: Of course! Can I talk to her too?
Me: Yeah of course! and I'm sure she'll remember you too. She can't forget a face.
Angel: Okay!
Me: Bring me my laptop from my bag please?
She nodded and went to get my laptop. She came back with it and handed it to me and I opened it and put my password in and called her from the laptop. She responed on the first ring and her face popped up and she had a big smile on her face. She must be really happy to see me. She then said with a happy tone.
Janelle: Hey Eva!
Me: Hey how are you?
Janelle: Good, I'm doing good. Who's that- oh shit! Is that....angel?!
Angel: Oh my god you knew who I was that quick?
Janelle: Yeah! I remember from your smile from when we first meet. Plus you should know I follow you on Instagram.
Angel: Aw thank you
Janelle: Your Welcome.
Me: So what's going on back home?
Janelle: Omg girl where do I begin?
Me: From the start!
Janelle: Ard.
She then told everything that went down. From the ryan being a nasty perverted bitch, all the kids fighting like wrestlers, to them going to the club and tatsuo being a dickhead as usual.
Angel of course understood and she then said to janelle with a tiring tone.
Angel: These asian boys be wild as fuck don't they?
Me & janelle: Amen to that?
Angel: But seriously janelle you need to talk to him about this. I mean he just came back into your life all of a sudden. Did you guys ever go to couple's therapy together?
Janelle: No. He always says he's too busy to go.
Angel: Well tell him no excuses! If he wants to work on y'all relationship then he's gonna have to do it.
Yeah I remember now. Jin & angel were having marriage problems by the time zach & lucas popped up. They kept arguing, they kept going on breaks, they didn't speak to eachother but made small conversation. But until angel decided them to go to therapy. At first he said no but with pleading and a whole lot of 'persuading' She eventually got him to go and look at them. Looking like marriage goals n shit. I wanted me & ricky's marriage to be like theirs but me and ricky have our ways of communicating and we're doing okay.
Janelle: Yeah you're right. Thank you Angel.
Angel: No problem.
Janelle: So how's the funeral going along?
Angel: The planning is going well and the funeral is friday.
Janelle: Oh okay. Tell the family sorry for their loss for me.
Me: Okay.
Janelle: Wait! What the hell happened to your shoulder?!
I then looked at my right shoulder to see the bandaged up. Ah shit. Now watch when I tell her about it. Because you should know this about janelle. She doesn't fuck around when something happens to her family & friends. I then told her feeling nervous.
Me: I....i uh....i got shot.
Ricky then came in the living room and ricky then asked me and angel in a curious tone.
Ricky: Who are you talking to?
Janelle must've heard his voice because now she yelled hid name filled with anger.
Ricky: Oh shit.


Okay I know what you're thinking 'ricky why are you scared of janelle?' or 'you're a gang leader and you're scared of a woman?' but trust me when I say this.......janelle is fucking crazy! Hell eva's whole family is crazy! Loving but really crazy! And this One time.....oh my god! One time I slapped eva and then the next thing you know janelle comes storming into my house and starts beating the shit outta me with her fist and a baseball hat. Ever since that day I learned never to do that shit again. But after she was done beating me up she fixed me back up and apologized but gave me a warning not to do it again. Eva's brothers were scary when I first met them. Although they are cool peoples they will beat you the hell up if necessary.  I then gulped went to the laptop. I looked to see her pissed off at me. I then said feeling like a nervous wreck.
Me: H-hello janelle. H-how have y-you b-been?
Janelle: Really Ricky? Really?! You let her get shot?! This is unacceptable!
Eva: Janelle just let me explain please!
She then looked at eva and she took deep breaths while closing her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked back at eva. She then said in a calm voice.
Janelle: Okay talk. Right Now.
Eva: Okay.
She then explained everything to janelle and janelle was understanding......until she lectured me & eva. She then said with a calm voice.
Janelle: Okay I understand but y'all need to be there for eachother, ride or die with eachother. Y'all married so y'all can't be one sided with eachother n shit. But ricky......i sorry about your uncle. Eva told me about him and how he helped her and I could tell he was a good man.
Me: Thank you sis. He was a good man. I wished he could've seen the kids so he can spoil them.
Janelle: Mhmm I hear you. Anyway I gotta go mr. Sherman on my ass about more patients and more paperwork for the collab. Eva did you do it yet?
Eva: Yeah I already did.
Janelle: Ard. Well I'll call you later okay? And angel watch these two. I can't seem to trust them alone without eachother.
Angel: Got you girl.
Janelle: Ard see ya!
All: see you!
She then hanged up and angel went into the kitchen. I then said to eva with a cool expression in my tone.
Me: Well she's still crazy.
Eva: Tell me about it.
We then heard angel scream and ran into the kitchen to see angel holding her stomach panting in pain and water on the floor as droplets fell from her area. Eva then went to her and supported her. Eva then said while yelling.
Eva: Ricky! Stop standing there and help me get her to the clinic room!
Snapped out of it and carried angel while eva supported her. We were at the clinic room where eva was coaching angel to breath. Angel then said while breathing out heavliy.
Angel: Oh this hurts! This hurts so fucking much!
Eva: I know girl but you gotta breathe okay. Keep calm and keep breathing.
Angel: O-okay. Ricky Where's.....where's jin at?
Me: I don't know.
Angel: Well call him! I want him here with me!
I then went into my pocket to get my phone only to not have it with me. So I ran out to get jin.

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