chapter 14

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It was 6:15 in the morning on october the 16th on Tuesday. I'm making breakfast for me and the kids. Omelets and bacon with friut on the side. I looked to see rico and Madison already sitting at the table with there clothes and bookbag on them. I finished cooking breakfast and gave the kids their breakfast and i got my plate and began to eat with them. Madison then said in a calm voice.
Madison: Mommy.....tomorrow is muffins with dads day.
Me: Oh.....okay carino (Spanish: sweetie) then I'll be there.....okay.
Madison: Okay. She said with a wryly smile on her face.
Rico: I don't want you to go. He said mumbling under his breath.
Me: Hm? What was that rico?
Rico: I don't want you to go.
Me: And Why is that?
Rico: Because I don't want no parents with me on these types of days. I just wanna be alone.
Madison: But I want mommy to go rico.
Rico: But why madison?
Madison: Because she's the only parent we have w-we must sp-spend a-lot of t-time with her wh-while she's still h-here! She then ran upstairs crying.
Me: Rico that was really rude of you. You know it was hard for her when your father died. It was hard for all of us.
Rico: But....but mom I just wanna be by myself because.....we never gotten to even know him at all and......and.
Me: Carino I know. It's hard for all of us. But daddy would want us to go on and keep living, and.......and be strong. Daddy's watching us down from heaven and he loves us more then anyone in the world. Okay.
He nodded his head while it was still down. I grabbed his face and looked him in his dark brown eyes. He looks just like me but has his father's attitude and a-little bit. While madison is the spitting image of her father. She has every facial feature of him but my attitude with it. Mi hijo y mi hija (my son and daughter.) growing up on me. I told them about their father when they were six years old. They were sad but Madison took it more harder than rico did. Although rico kept on blaming himself for kendall's death but he got over that guilt. Rico then gave me a hug and went upstairs to his room. I then grabbed their dishes and sat them in the sink and started washing the dishes. I felt a tears sliding down my cheek. You'd think you can get over a loved ones death reallly can't. It'll last forever. After the dishes were clean I went to the stairs and called the kids down. They came down and sat on the couch. I then sat in the middle of the couch with them and scooped them into a hug.
Me: Mis bebes.....papa siempre estara aqui con nosotros. Vida o muerte. Papa te ama a todos. Y yo tambien. ¿bueno?(my babies.....daddy will always be here with us. Life and death. Daddy loves y'all. And so do I. Okay?)
Both: si mami!
I then wiped their eyes and got up.
Come on babies it's time to go to school.
Both: okay! They grabbed their coats and book bags and came to me. Madison then tugged on my dress. And she asked in a shy tone.
Madison: can we go see papa today please?
Me: Kids you don't have to ask me that....we do it everyday so you should already be used to that.
Madison: Oh okay.
Rico: And you call me forgettable.
We then laugh and went into the car. After we buckled up I then started the card and drove off to the school.


I pulled up to the school called 'Lynchburg elementary school.' I then asked my kids in a playful voice.
Me: you ready kids?
Ben: Yeah dad I'm ready.
Sophia: Yay me too! Let's go!
Me: Haha! okay kids let's go.
I then got out of the car and unbuckled their seatbelts. I grabbed their bags and they ran into the school. I just smiled at that and continued walking to the school. yeah in case you want to know about those kids yeah those are my kids. Benjamin and sophia. Benjamin is 10 years old while sophia is 7 years old. They're my biological children from my......from my wife Marianna willams. But I'd refer if you called her mrs. Valentino instead of her last name. But there's just one problem.......She's not here with me because....she's dead. Man I miss her. I miss my bella. I then went into got into the school I then saw ben and sophia in the main office sit on the chairs while being on their phones. I then looked at them and said
With a sly smile.
Me: Told you two to wait for me.
They both sticked their tongues out at me and turned back to their phones.
I chuckled at that and signed some papers and etc.

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