chapter 8

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I woke up on a Tuesday on 11, the  morning with rainy weather. But it was okay Rainy weathers are better anyway. I then got up off the bed and walked to the kids room. I walked into the kids room to see zoey getting kai's rain boots on and she was already dressed.

I'm impressed. My little girl knows how to take care of her little brother. She then puts his hat on
Tatsuo: How do you know how to take care your brother?
Zoey: Mommy taught me! She said when she's gone always look after your brother no matter what.
Tatsuo: That's great! Im proud of you!
Zoey: Hehe! Thank you daddy!
Kai: Da! Da! He said extending his arms for me.
I laughed while picking him up and grabbing zoey and kai's bag. "Come on zoey. Lets go." "okay daddy!" she said with a smile on her face. My little girl is so kawaii. It's already been 2 weeks and I'm already attached to them. I can see what Jeremy means having children are a blessing in my life. Do I have a good bond with my children? Yes. But do I have a bond with the mother of my children?.....not even close. She's right I've never laid my hands on her when we were together. Of course we'd argued but we would make up immediately and it would end in sex too. After they were done eating I then put my coat on and looked at the window and saw rain falling down hard.

I grabbed my big umbrella and said
"Alright kids time to go." zoey then nodded while picking up kai. Wow! She knows how to pick kai up? Once again I'm amazed. We then leave the house and I opened the car door. After buckling kai in his car seat I closed the door but I saw something. I saw Jeremy and Kyah leave the house and kyah got in the car along with jeremy. I wish I was like that at with Janelle. At least we could work out for the kids sake. I then went into the car and drove off.


I wonder to myself about mommy and daddy's relationship with each other why they would argue and fight. They don't know is that I'm always listening and watching them. Daddy keeps hurting mommy and mommy always yells and hits him. I don't know why but I cry when that happens and I can't stand to see them mad at eachother. I have these dreams when I could have a happy family yet I nightmares of them fighting and leaving each other. Sometimes I blame myself because I heard children can be really stressful. So that's why I wanna keep helping mommy and daddy, so they can work out. But ever since daddy came I've been getting memories of times when daddy, me and mommy would go have picnics, go to the zoo or aquarium, or just have fun in the house and relax with each other. But I feel like that it probably is my fault. I wonder what it would they would be like without me or kai. I think they're fighting......because they don't wanna have us. Or me at that matter. Tears then came from my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Mommy left so daddy can take care of himself or get better and so she can clear herself too. While daddy.....well I don't know what he's doing. But he's mad too. More tears began to fall from my eyes and I then saw the school.


I parked in front of the school and got the car. I got kai and their bags while Zoey got out and opened her umbrella and we walked inside the school. I already took kai to his room and I now was walking zoey to her class while holding her hand. Normally she smile while singing a song in Japanese put she was quiet with her head down. We then stopped at her classroom door I was about to grab the door knob until I heard zoey say in a pale Voice.
Zoey: Is it my fault daddy?
Tatsuo: What's your fault?
Zoey: Am I the reason why mommy left the house.....and you guys fighting. Am I the problem?
She looked at me with red puffy eyes and tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Now I'm angry. Not just because I feel guilty It's because our fighting is getting in zoey's head and it's making her sad. I can't bear to see her sad I really can't. I made a vow to never make my children cry nor hurt them. Me and janelle have to fix things between us. And fast! I then crouched down to her level and wiped her tears off.
Tatsuo: Zoey.....ji bun no hime. (My princess) it's not your fault mommy and I are just going through some things.
Zoey: hurt mommy and she yells and hits you too.
Shit. She saw that? Okay we really need to talk to have couple's therapy.
And I need a therapist and anger management too.
Tatsuo: and mommy are difficult with eachother so we might hurt eachother from time to time but that doesn't mean we don't love eachother and it's not your fault. Come on for me. For Oto-san. She then cracked a Broken smile on her face and I opened the door for her and she went in and wave at me. I waved back and lefted the school, got in my car and drove off.

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