chapter 26

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It was oct 31. I was on the phone with her to see if she got the job done and yet she failed me. I wanted to see them dead first and then I'll move on to him. Was yelling at her with fury in my tone.

"The plan backfired?! What the hell do you mean it backfired?!....then think of another plan then!.....I don't care if you have to end up killing innocent lives, get them killed!.....if I find out you've sneaking behind my back I'll kill you and your family. Am I clear?....alright. Now get the hell of my phone." I said angry.

I then hung up and called her to come over since I'm feeling horny. I hang up and get in the shower.. After getting washed I hear a knock on the door. I Put on some jeans and go downstairs. I heard the knock again so I go to the door and look thorough the hole to see Janelle. I open the door and take in my view of her. Damn she's fine. I then heard her clear her throat.

"yes ryan? You needed me?" she said in a questionable tone.

"yes I need your help with these documents."

"hmmmm.....okay then"

She then came into my house and was looking around.

"Wow your house is beautiful!" She says amazed by my home.

"Thank you my sister designed it for me."

"Well shit I might give her a call then."
She said while laughing.

"Come with me to my office."

"Okay lead the way." she says with a toothy smile.

I then lead her to my office and I turned around to see janelle looking around in the hallway. I then opened the door to my office.

"You have a bed in your office?"

"Yeah. So after I'm done with my work I can always sleep in my office without having to go upstairs."

"Clever. I might do this too."

As she was looking at the office I was looking at her ass. Damn it's so fat. I need that ass badly.

"So what do you need?" she said curiously.

"How to get rid of this." I then grabbed her by the waist and grind my groin to her ass.

She gasped and tries to pull away but I grip her tighter to my groin.

"oh hell nah! Get yo hands off me!"

She then pushes me off and opens the door.

"you dirty bastard! You lied to me!"

"I technically didn't lie to you I did need your help." i said in a logical tone.

"I told you I have a boyfriend!" she yelled.

"And I said that I'm your boyfriend." I said through gritted teeth. She needs to get it through her thick skull that she is mine.

Who the fuck said that?! I don't like yo ass In that way!" she yells while feeling angry.

"I said so! Now get your ass over here!" I said gritting my teeth in anger.

She then gave me a look that questioned me.

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old love new fateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora