27|Two litttle horns

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She paused. Standing there not saying a word, almost as if she was a maniquine as the wind blew through her jet black hair.

And then, she took a step.

Walking towards the man, who was sure too defeat her for good. 

Walking too the man who would buy her soul.

She took another step, as all eyes were on her, following her every move.  Instead of running, she walked, instead of crying, she was emotionless. There was no joy. no anger, no sadness, or resentment. Instead of feeling betrayed, she felt nothing, instead of feeling anything at all, she felt numb.

With each stride, her soul becomes more empty. face wiped clean, as if a screen had been pulled down to hide her emotions. Eyes plastered to her "death" ahead of her.

Xander smirked seeing Adrien walk towards him. Licking his lips, as she was now only a few inches away.

And then... his dark empty eyes, met her beautiful brown eyes.

The corner of his lips turned into the most deadliest smirk, as he eye fucked Adrien, admiring her head to heel.

He grabbed her shoulders, running his hand down her arm softly. Suddenly, He turned her around as she now  faced Damon from across the road. His hot breath fanning the back of her neck, the cold air against her skin making her shiver  as he whispered, "Ive been waiting too get my hands on you, I just didn't think your little boyfriend would be the one to give you up."

Xander grabbed  her hair, putting it too one side as he closed his eyes gracing his lips too her neck.

Damons face met Adrien's from across the way, her eyes starring into Damons as Xander laid his lips on her skin. He did not love her. At least, thats what he told himself. He tried his hardest to remember her eyes because after tonight, he'd never see them again.

"Boys." Xander smiled happy as he was about to drive away with his prey.

Xander pressed his hand to Adriens back, leading her into the car. She paused and took one more look to Damon, knowing this was the last time shed ever see him.

"Pleasure doing business with you Damon."

He shook his head seeing Xander about to get into the car with Adrien. He threw his head back out of frustration as he turn around facing the other way. "Don't do it Damon." he told him self.

He gave a frustrated laugh, "Oh what the fuck,"  He said as he swiftly pulled the  gun tucked under his belt.

A single gun shot was fired , as Xanders body dropped too the ground, and Adrien screams.

The bullet nearly missed her, wide eyed, and frozen in panic.

Suddenly the sound of more shots grazed the midnight sky like lighting. Adrien quickly dropped down to ground, luckily she had the car to use as cover. Her heart practically beating out of her chest, for she didn't know what was going on. As she turned her head she yelped seeing  Xanders lifeless body lay to the ground a few inches away from her.

Adrien turned the corner, looking over the car rear headlights. She saw Damon and his men taking cover as well from across the way, as they shots went back and fourth between Damons men and Xanders men. 

"Cover me." Damon shouted, as Razor nodded.

Adrien watched as Damon ran out in the open, she almost wanted too yell for him too stop but she knew there was no way he'd listen.

She worried each step he took as he got closer and closer too her, crouching down as bullets nearly missed him.

"What are you doing!" You could hear the panic in her voice as he kneeled down to the other side of the car.

My Brothers Best friend (REWRITTING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz