twenty six 🗣

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its been a year...

just kidding! its only been a month.

the two still haven't spoken, despite the countless times they see each other in the halls.

despite all the glances they share when they're just in the hallway "talking" to their friends.

their eyes didn't leave each other until they had to go to class or their friend got their attention for just a second.

their eyes always went back to each other though.

"god damn it, jungkook. just talk to him already. its been a fucking month of you two staring at each other and its pretty annoying on my part. you never listen to me." taehyung said and jungkook shook his head. "i can't tae... i can't talk to him face to face. he should be the one apologizing for what he did to me."

taehyung sighed and shook his head.

"we're not playing the 'his fault' game. you both need to grow balls and talk it out together." taehyung said and jungkook pouted, sighing and letting his shoulders drop.

"i can't text him anyway... could you have hoseok text him or something? our dorm after classes... but, please, don't come tae." jungkook said quietly and taehyung nodded, ruffling the youngers hair.

"i won't come, i promise. i'll tell hoseok next class. good luck koo." taehyung gave the boy an encouraging smile and a kiss on the cheek before skipping to his next class.

jungkook frowned, not wanting to go to anymore of his classes.

even though he didn't want to, he had to so he sucked it up and went through with the rest of his classes.

the boy walked slowly back to his dorm once his classes ended and he was free of school.

he wanted things to get better but he didn't know if they were going to. he didn't know if jimin even wanted to be friends anymore. the last time they talked, jimin made it clear that he was no longer going to speak to jungkook.

the sad boy got to his dorm and walked inside, plopping face first onto his bed after dropping his book bag on the ground.

he was tired and wanted to sleep the night away ( to avoid talking to jimin being one of the bigger reasons ).

jungkook sat up quickly when there was a knock on his door.

he got up and looked down at his wrinkled uniform, sighing to himself. he didn't even get to change before jimin got here.

jungkook shrugged it off and opened the door, looking up at jimin who had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his sweats as his head hung low.

their eyes didn't meet.

jimin wouldn't look jungkook in the eye and jungkook noticed that immediately.

"um.. you can sit on my bed while i change really quick." jungkook mumbled as he let jimin inside his dorm.

jimin didn't say anything as he sat down on jungkook's bed. jungkook bit his lip and grabbed some more comfortable clothes before going to the bathroom to change.

the younger changed his clothes slowly, taking his time because he really wasn't looking forward to talking to jimin.

he knew he couldn't hide out in the bathroom so he eventually walked out and sat across from the older boy.

jungkook tried to meet his eyes but jimin continued to stare at his lap, not glancing up once.

"jimin.. look at me please. you're allowed to look at me." jungkook said but jimin shook his head, refusing to look up at the younger. "im worried about you jimin. i saw what happened between you and your parents and i... im so sorry your dad hit you because of me—"

"it wasn't because of you—"

"yes it was. sending a boy hearts? what other boy, besides me, do you send hearts?" jungkook asked and jimin finally looked up at him.

but it was only for a moment before he looked away.

"you're the only one but, i promise, it wasn't your fault. its just... my parents, especially my dad, are just as homophobic as your mom is. if i even smile at another boy, he yells at me for it. im sorry i listened to to him and stopped talking to you... sometimes i just— i just don't know what he's capable of and its fucking scary and i—"

jungkook couldn't help himself.

he leaned in and hugged jimin, surprising the older which made him lose track of what he was saying.

it took a moment for jimin to process what was happening but when he did, he wrapped his arms around the younger boys small waist and hugged him tight.

"im sorry your dad is like that. i wish things were different." jungkook whispered and jimin shook his head, pulling away to look at the boy in front of him.

"i don't. i was happy with how things were between us before. i want to do everything with you but my parents won't allow it. im not gonna let them get in the way this time, i promise." jimin said and cupped the youngers face in his hands, gently running his thumbs over the boys cheekbones.

"so.. what does this mean?" jungkook asked and the older bit his lip, looking down for a moment.

"can we just start over kookie?"

jungkook smiled and nodded happily, hoping that everything would be okay from now on between them.

"course jiminie. id love to start over." jungkook said and placed his hands over jimin's that were still on his cheeks.

jimin smiled wide and pulled the younger into another hug.

"thank you! i promise to make everything better tomorrow. come to art early, okay?"

jungkook giggled and nodded, squeezing jimin in their hug.

"i'll be there."

taestan 💕there are two chapters left 🥳

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taestan 💕
there are two chapters left 🥳

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