~Chapter Forty-Four~

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Chapter Forty-Four; Among the Burning Embers


  ...'Nila was gone forever, her body was trapped in this realm. Unable to leave.'  


We ran, our feet skidding against the dirt as we raced into the forest that surrounded the castle. Behind us, Guards raced after us. Despite having no orders, they drove forward, doing their duty to capture and imprison the traitors to their Kingdom. 

We were both armed but outnumbered. As ten guards flanked us. The only advantage we had was our lightweight dresses, however, even those proved a disadvantage as we struggled to not trip.  

We didn't have a plan, our feet taking us where it wanted as we raced to escape. Every now and again we'd look at each other in panic, our lungs and legs growing tired as we grew deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless forest. 

Slowly, one by one the guards stopped, the heavy armour causing excess strain and weight as they attempted to chase after us. They didn't have time to gather their horses, so they were on foot. Their frames bulky and tall as they ducked and weaved through low hanging trees and bushes. 

Now, only four persistent guards followed. We knew we had to stop, our lungs now screaming to for us to stop before it collapsed. 

"I-I need-" I heaved, my body slowing down significantly, "To stop." I breathed, my lungs wheezing. 

"Me-- too." And we did, we came to a sudden stop, ducking behind two thick trees that stood next to each other. Almost as if it made a pathway between them. 

The guards weren't far off, but they hadn't seen us duck. 

"On the count of three, we jump out. Can you take two?" I wheezed, wanting to sink to my feet and take a long nap. But I couldn't.

"Yes." She was full of conviction, her head held high almost as if something was missing from the picture. 


"2-" She whispered.

"3!" We let out a war cry, thrusting our swords forward as we sliced into a guard, slicing between the gap between his chest plate and armour that he wore across his legs. 

His let out a groan, our swords embedded into his stomach. We pulled out our swords, his body quickly dropping to the ground where he stood. 

We had three more guards left. And they surrounded us.

"You're coming with us, drop your weapons!" A guard shouted, his sword raised.

"On your life." Lucianna spat, her eyes glaring up at him before she began to attack, her posture sleek and fluid. Her feet moving in quick but precise movements. She was trained. Formally too. 

I didn't have any time to analyse as a quick gash opened up on my arm, a guard behind me slicing me as a warning. 

"Drop it!" 

This gave me an idea. 

"Alright," I spoke, dropping the sword, distracting him for a moment before I slid the knife from my sleeve, throwing it directly at him, hitting him in the eye. "As you asked." 

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