~Chapter Thirteen~

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Chapter Thirteen; Sufferage


The pain was almost unbearable. My skin soaked with sweat as I laid on the table, unable to move without searing pain shooting through my torso and up my chest. 

Not a single lesson from my training could have prepared me for this- not a single one. The gut-wrenching torture that I had been succumbed to, no way out- no escape. 

Even my thoughts were consumed by his face. His devious, gorgeous face. The cruel King. I wasn't going to lie and say his sadist personality matched his appearance- because it didn't. He had a chiselled, strong jawline, his hair silky and smooth and his skin- words could not describe how smooth it was. Complete and utter flawlessly smooth skin. Not a single blemish. It was impossible- as if the God's themselves handcrafted him. 

How could a child once born innocent, turn into this creature of darkness? How could a mother fail her single job so atrociously that she turned her baby boy into Satan himself? 

Wickedly cruel, given everything he could ever want- and yet he tortures his people. Torturing them, forcing sisters to kill each other all for a spot as a Cruel Queen. What was he aiming from this? Odds were that even when the poor woman became queen- the torture wouldn't end. Such sadistic behaviour runs deep. 

It made me wonder, would leaving this realm cause others to suffer? Would it be worth it, to sacrifice others around her for her own personal gain? Or, would leaving this realm aid those who need it, getting rid of another competition. 

What would her mother say? Would she encourage her daughter to fight till the end and save these helpless people of this kingdom from a destructive King? Or would she tell her little girl to go and move on- save herself? 

I couldn't even convince myself that mother would say that- it was ridiculous, I was raised to go through till the end and help those who need it- and by the God's they need it.

I could almost imagine my mother saying- "My darling, Alannah; So young and beautiful, but so- so strong. You need to stay, you can make it through this- right to the end and win this competition. You need to win and defeat the King because these people are counting on you; You know what to do." 

Everything hurt, I wanted to leave but my subconscious guilt was overriding this fact. Even if it killed me- I was going to have to make it through this. 

Startled out of my thoughts, the metal door rattled to an open, the grinning guards staring down at me. 

"Ready, cupcake? Round two." 

Someone give me the motivation to get through this. 



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