~Chapter Thirty-Two~

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Chapter Thirty-Two; The New Truth


"Seize her." 

That was the last word I heard before a searing pain wrapped itself around my head.


I refused to move for days. The thoughts of all the lives I had killed, from the first trial to the last. Every action I had done, every thought that had passed my mind. I analysed, knowing that even the slightest step in a different direction could have let me end up in a different place. 

I screamed at myself for hours until my voice had gone hoarse. That first day I had arrived in the room. I had awoken, two guards standing by the door and a fierce lady wearing all black. Her brows thick and tense as she stood there, a book in her hand. She merely waited all but a few seconds for me to fully gather consciousness before she had begun her rehearsed speech. 

"I am Lady Edna. You may refer to me as Mother Edna, as I will be your guide and mentor. No exceptions. Understood?"

"Yes, Mother Edna." I spluttered out, confused. I was not prepared for her.

"Good. Now, this chamber has been here for decades. Each betrothed women is brought to this chamber to reside in until they perform their wedding rituals. 

"Once they are wedded, they are brought back to either the Royal Chamber- if the betrothed is marrying to-be King, or a King. However, if the betrothed is marrying someone of Royal Blood, but no future title, then they are brought back to their manor. 

"Any questions?" 

My voice hoarse, but the question plaguing my mind.
"Did anyone survive?"

I could tell the question rilled her up, as her brows furrowed deeper, her upper lip turning to an irritated snarl. 

"Moving on." She knew her place, this simple fact bought me peace but destruction. I was going to be Queen soon if I didn't pull myself together. 

"As," I chose my words carefully, "As my guide, you have a duty to me, correct?" 

"A duty to the Kingdom." 

Those words said enough. She was my watcher, every misstep or out of spoken word would be relayed to the King. I had to be careful around her. 

I nodded my head, trying to show I wasn't clouded in thought, but I was. I thought I was in the clear zone, I thought I had passed all the trials. 

I was wrong, of course. Not sure why I didn't see it. Of course, I would be watched and monitored, the King was cruel, but he was intelligent. Calculated. 

My veins were fueled by revenge. Anger and despair coating all the fibres of my being. 

I could feel my blood boiling as I stared into her eyes. 

Vemen began to coat my tongue as the images of all the lives I had been taken flashed before my eyes.

The nameless brown haired women... who died on a sword,

The crystal-green eyed women... who died by her ally,

The black-haired women... who died by my hand. 

Sylvia... died by the hand of an unknown. 

The bodies of all the fallen women... who died by being tortured. Ordered by the King.

Eirya... died by the hands of a Guard. Ordered by a monster. 

The village... died by the hands of multiple Guards. Ordered by a monster. Me.

But, I stopped. If the foul words I wished I could say left my tongue, I'd have the unthinkable happen to me. So, I bit my tongue, my icy glare speaking enough silent words. 

"This novel, written by the High Mother herself, contains all the knowledge and rules you are to learn and follow. Failure to present yourself with the knowledge will result in ten lashings. Failure to abide by these rules will result in twenty lashings.

"Now, the King has ordered you to remain in this room at all times. You will be allowed to bathe and use other amenities, however, it will be with either with a Lady in Waiting or a Mother. You will be fed three times a day and allowed fresh air on the balcony with an armed Guard for a moderate amount of time once a day as per request. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in 30 lashes to the feet and hands. Each."

She spoke quickly and formally, her voice monotone, her hands remaining in front of her, clutching the book. She took a deep breath before robotically stepping forward, placing the book on my bed before exiting, leaving me in dased. 

Everything had happened so quickly, and I barely had time to properly comprehend what was going on. 

That was three days ago. 

It was now late afternoon, nearly supper time when I sat lazily on a chair. Casually reading any novel except the one I was required to read. 

I had opened the book, late that same day I had been given it. But quickly closed it after reading the first page. 


'The Duties, Requirements and Rules of a Queen'

'Duty- A duty for a Queen isn't just to her people, her castle and her servants. Her duty as a Queen is also to her King, in every aspect. Each duty of a Queen will be meticulously expressed further in this novel. '

'Requirements- Requirements for a Queen are hard and clear. Each requirement laying the foundation for the people, as the Queen is just as much required to follow the law of the King as the villagers are. Each requirement of a Queen will be meticulously expressed further in this novel'

'Rules- Each rule is a guideline that is firmly laid out by the King. Each rule is set in place so each Queen can be the best dutiful wife, and be a silent ruler beside the King. Each rule will be specifically expressed by the King himself and will be meticulously outlined further in this novel.'


A thumping at the door cut me out of my thoughts, and before I could even ironically give permission, the door opened. 

And I couldn't believe who stood in front of me.




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