~Chapter Forty-Two~

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Chapter Forty-Two; May You Kiss the Bride




No. No, I wasn't.

They stepped forward, their formation in sync as they squared me again before guiding me towards the large spruce doors, their pace quick while mine remained hesitant.

I could feel my heartbeat in my chest, it quickening as we grew nearer. My stomach let out silent pangs, my anxiety reaching its limit.

This is wrong. This is so wrong but I had to do it. I had to marry that man. But didn't I deserve it? Everything I had done, every action I had committed. Every action I had committed had a good cause, but despite that, I still hurt so many. Perhaps it was fate that I had become his Cruel Queen.

We now stood outside the doors, two Guards heaving it open to let out a stream of sound and light. Music and gleeful chatter now swarmed my ears, before quickly turning to cheers as they took notice. It was time.

The crowd parted, leaving a trailed line down to the altar that stood on the steps to the castle. A black and white clothed priest standing next to the King. Next to Salvatore.

I sucked in a deep breath, noticing the guards had doubled up on both sides, instead of being in a squared formation.

Everyone wanted to see the bride, I suppose.

I hadn't felt it, but I had begun to advance towards the King, my heart pulsing in my ears as I struggled to contain the tears.

'Smile, pretend you are happy. You are a bride after all' My Lady in Waiting had muttered to me just as she walked by, taking her place behind me holding the train of my dress.

It was picture perfect, flowers being tossed over our heads as we passed smiling guests.

King Salvatore wore a blazed black suit, his badges adorning the sides. On the opposite side of him stood a woman, a dreadful frown marked into her face as she stood there, a distasteful smile coating her features. His mother. I had nearly forgotten she had existed- if that was his actual mother.

I stood under the altar, my hands now devoid of my bouquet that held royal purple flowers. Everything was perfectly staged.

I was so lost in my own thoughts, that I had hardly noticed Salvatore grasping my hands.

"May we begin."

The priest cleared this throat, before beginning his speech.

"Do you, Salvatore Gundahar, take Alannah Valos to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Alannah Valos, Take Salvatore Gundahar to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, for this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I-I do..." I stuttered, my eyes wide as panic set in. There is no going back now.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride." 

He tugged me closer, smashing his lips against mine. His unrelenting lips moving against mine before he viciously bit my lip. Blood now coating his lips. 

A wicked smile spread across his face. In his eyes, this would be the beginning of my end. But in reality, it was his. 

"Wife, let us move forward to the coronation." His wicked eyes set on mine. 

"It is time we make you Queen, as you deserve it. Don't you? You killed so many to be where you are now, and why wouldn't I give you what you want?"

"I-I didn't, I don't want-" He interrupted me, pulling me tight against him, his fierce eyes gazing down at mine. 

"Of course you did, you battled everyone who fought to take your place. And now I'm going to give you everything you asked for, everything you deserve." 

I could hear the crowd awing as he leant down, his hot breath in my ear as he whispered those words. 

How could they fall for this? How could they not see his cruel ways?

He pulled back, a fake smile on his face as he gazed at the crowd. 

"It is time to make my wife a Queen." The crowd went wild, cheering for the perfect King.


We had moved in front of a large platform that adorned the back Palace entrance, raised above the people, for all to see. 

The gardens were plush with fountains, hedges and bright green grass. A stark contrast to the dying Kingdom that sat in near ruin around it. 

Leading up to the platform stood a grand staircase. The steps adorned with a purple rug. No expenses spared. 

On top of the platform stood the Royal Court, The Royal Mother, and Mother Edna. All standing proud as they gazed off into the distance as if the crowd below them weren't cheering their names. Standing next to Mother Edna, stood Lucianna. A distant but free look covered her face. She was ready for her fate. But was I?

"It is time." Salvatore roughly spoke, grasping my upper arm with his hand, my arm screaming in pain as his rings dug into the cuts that lined my arm.

"Once this is completed, you're all mine." 

With that, he tugged me forward, leaving me a stumbling mess after him as I struggled to catch up. 

With each step we rose, my heart sunk further. Panic had long set in, but now I couldn't control it, my hands furiously shaking as saliva began to produce in my mouth at a fast speed, barely giving me enough time to swallow it down. 

Salvatore stopped, my frame smacking right into his as he still held my hand. 

"If you ruin this, I will ruin everything you hold dear to you. 

"Do you see those people down there? They are counting on you, they are here to witness a beautiful coronation. 

"If you make a mistake, I will burn them all. I will slaughter each and every person that came to witness this. Do you understand?" He spat, his grip tightening, my stitches struggling to hold themselves together. 

"Yes. Yes, I understand. There will be no mistakes." 



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