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I watched from the end of the stairs leading to the basement as Jinyoung continued to punch and kick the dummy that was drilled to the ground about three yards away from me. I felt myself lean back onto the doorway as he positioned his body to kick the dummy once more.

His leg connected with the dummy so hard his thigh jiggled, which was an amazing sight for me. Oh, did I mention I already realized that he was my soft spot and I liked him? No? Oops. I watched with hawk like eyes as he moved onto the hand guns, and I immediately noticed how his position was off.

Smirking, I silently walked up to him before wrapping my right arm around his waist, pressing my front against his back and pulling my left arm to rest on top of his own arm. I leaned into his ear as he jumped, "You're doing it wrong princess." I lowly whispered, and felt him shudder into me.

I tightened my grip around his waist and moved both our bodies to more sideways and lifted up his arms, resting my head on his shoulder to see from his angle. "Perfect," I breathed out, before gently releasing him and standing a foot away, crossing my arms and smirking again as he froze from embarrassment.

"go on," I waved my hand in a dismissal way towards the targets. "You're mean Yugyeom hyung." Ah, I should tell him.... later, yeah, I'll tell him later. I just laughed for a response as he fire off the first bullet, nearly hitting the direct center.

Jinyoung whipped his head to grin at me, "I did it!" he cheered, making me involuntarily smile lightly. He fired off a few more hits, two of them hitting dead center. "Okay Jinyoung, lets go upstairs before you get too trigger happy." I chuckled as he continued to beam due to his headshots.

As soon as I turned to go upstairs I heard the gun getting hung back up on the wall and qick but quiet pads of feet until a hand grabbed my wrist gently. I twisted my hand back and grabbed his hand from my wrist and laced our fingers together as we walked up the stairs out of the play room and into the living space.

"Yugyeom! Jinyoung hyung! Wanna join us? We were about to play truth or dare!" Youngjae hyung questioned as he sat down, a mug with I assume lemon tea in his clasped hands. Jinyoung let go of my hand and moved to sit on the floor at the end of our coffee table, leaving me to sit to his right on the long part of it next to BamBam.

"You guys actually play truth or dare? Really?" Jinyoung asked with utter confusion making me look down and shake my head. "No, not normal truth or dare, just watch you'll see." We all nodded as everyone got comfortable and seated around the coffee table.

"I'll go first," BamBam said and clapped his hands before pointing a finger at Mark hyung, "Hyung, truth or dare?" Mark contemplated for a few seconds before replying 'truth'.

"Okay, what was the weirdest mission you and Jackson went on?" Mark pushed his lips into a strait line before sighing. "One of the people we were supposed to kill tried to get us to do a foursome with her and the guy that Jackson was strangling... and she had some kinky ass shit demands." Jinyoung looked grossed out and BamBam snickered before Mark turned to Youngjae.

"truth or dare?" Youngjae immediately screeched "dare, and no more people running naked down the streets, I get it ya'll are psychotic but ain't nobody need to see your pale asses at midnight."

The table burst out in hysterics and took us all a good minute to calm down. "o-okay, I dare you to clean up the mess in the back room once we bring a toy home." Mark smirked and pointed a chopstick at a now scowling YoungJae. ( he made dumplings before we started)

"Oh come on, you guys make such a mess! Sometimes you even get blood on the ceiling! That's going to take hours!" Youngjae cried, throwing himself backwards onto the couch cushion behind him as Jackson, Jaebum BamBam and I grinned and looked at each other.

The rest of the game went on with questions and responses like that, we all avoided calling on Jinyoung as he was new, and I had to give my favorite gun to Jackson for the next three group missions. Along with a more depressing one of not being allowed to eat YoungJae's desserts for the whole month.

Now, most of the group was asleep and I was downstairs blowing off slightly hormonal steam by knife throwing since it was the quietest and I didn't want to die at the hands of a sleep deprived YoungJae.

The reason of this being that Jinyoung couldn't fall asleep alone due to nightmares of Kihyun and what I had recently found out, Jinyoung sleep with a slightly oversized sweatshirt and practically spandex boxers, leaving his thighs bare just teasing me as he slept.

I blinked away the memory of Jinyoung half curled up on the left side of my bed, the sweatshirt risen to mid stomach and his hair splaying all over looking beautiful in the moonlight.

God I'm whipped.

I was about to throw the third to last knife when arms wrapped around my waist and a head leant against my shoulder. "Why are you up?" I asked as I aimed and let the weapon fly, hitting dead center, a inch next to the other one buried there.

"I cant sleep without you." Jinyoung mumbled, making me look over and down at him. That was my mistake. His sweatshirt -which didn't even reach mid thigh- had slipped off his left shoulder, showing me his milky whit skin and beautiful collarbone

I gulped and closed my eyes before quietly demanding, "Jinyoung, if you don't let go of me and go back to bed, this are going to get heated, and I'm barely controlling myself." By the time I was done my eyes were open and my mouth was dry.

I didn't expect Jinyoung to smirk, pull me by my hips so we were chest to chest, proceed to wrap his hands from my waist to my neck and lean up on his tippy toes before whispering, "What if I don't want you to hold back?"


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST 1086 WORDS WHAT AM I DOING!!! so excuse any spelling errors I'm too lazy to proof read

I hope you liked the chapter, and please comment more! I feel less motivated when I don't receive a lot of feedback because it seems nobody likes my content...

love you all my darling readers! <3

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