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"Hit harder!"

I watched as Jinyoung wiped the sweat from his bangs before clenching his fist and hitting the punching bag.

I could see him wince every time one of his fists collided with the bag. I tried to not focus on that and descided to watch his form.

I had another assignment and asked if anyone wanted to join me, and to my surprise, Jackson didn't say anything making Jinyoung agree.

Jackson loved coming with me because we were the two people who could deal with the most blood, but the newbie will have to do.

"Okay, stop." My voice was awkwardly loud in the silent room as the sound of his fists hitting the leather stopped.

Jinyoung looked at me and smiled, I don't know why. "When are we leaving hyung?" Damn, when should I tell him I'm the youngest? Eh, maybe never.

I smirked and just swiveled around and walked into the weapons corner, Jinyoung following behind me, his breathing ragged.

I stopped in front of a sniper and grabbed it, turning to look at him. "You're gonna need to get your breathing in control if you ever want to go on solo trips." I muttered, handing him the gun before grabbing a slight bigger one with a scope that had a red line up attached.

Jinyoung just awkwardly shifted the gun in his hands before I grabbed two pistols, shoved each on either side of my hips and grabbed his wrist to let him know were leaving.

"Guys we're heading out- also YoungJae don't forget you have a- uhm a meeting in twenty minutes." I quickly covered up, forgetting that we haven't told Jinyoung exactly what we all do.

Jinyoung furrowed his brows at me and I just shrugged, opening the door and following him out.


"This is boring, Hyung what are we waiting for?" Jinyoung whisper whined next to me as we laid down from some building roof.

I flicked his forehead before turning back and looking through the scope, "We're looking for five guys, all dressed in white suits and red or green ties. They seem to be some high drug lords. Not sure, but we're getting 2 mil, so frankly I don't give a fuck." I informed him, assuming he was gaping at me.

"Oh." Was all he replied.

Soon enough a black van pulled up to whatever meeting that was being held at the small pub across from us.

Three of the five men got out, one carrying a rather huge and obvious gun which made me roll my eyes as I aimed for him first.

"Uh, I think two of them have bombs, they both have a bulking thing in their right pockets." Jinyoung pointed out making me raised my eyebrows and look at him.

"Good job." I praised him, and he grinned before looking through his scope. I did the same, nudging my foot saints his to get his attention.

"You get the farthest right, I'll get the farthest left, and whoever kills first, gets to shoot big guns in the middle, okay?" I head him muffle a laugh and had to suppress a smile, that was cute.

Yugyeom get a grip, you have people to kill.

"Okie doki boss." Was his response before we aimed and fired. Both of them were hit straight in the head, and I was quick to shoot the third before he had the time to turn around.

"Wow! Good shot hyu-"

"Fancy seeing you here, Yugyeom."

Sense (Jingyeom/Yugnoir) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now