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I moved in with the balham family in Candice. They had no children but they were hoping to adopt soon. It was George and Tim in this two bedroom house. Tim and George where a happy couple who knew my aunty or something, I've never met them before but the rest of my family has. The welcomed me and gave me a tour. After the tour ended they left me alone to have a chance to breathe. I stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

The next day u woke up at 8 because I was too homesick to sleep. I didn't have to go to school for the. Next few months because it was summer break and after that I was going to a school up the road for 9 months. My family thought there was no point in me going back until England since I would probably be held back anyway but I didn't care I liked school. I started unpacking and decorating my room. I was finished around 11 so I decided to go for a walk. I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble for this so I checked to see if anyone in the house was awake... no one was so I sent a text assuming they would see it whenever they woke up. I walked down the road and noticed two boys running around filming each other on their phones 'are they filming vines?' I wondered while walking past. One boy was short and blonde, he looked younger then me, The other boy was taller and had black hair, he looked my age. They were both very good looking, especially the blonde one. I gave him a little smile while walking past and he blushed a bit. I could hear them talking and asking each-other who I was, I was hoping they'd come up to me.

I sat under a tree a small bit away making sure I could still see the two boys. I checked my phone and FaceTimed e because i knew he'd be awake by now, it was already 12 o'clock but all of are friends liked to sleep in including me. E loved waking up early. He answered and instantly started telling me how much he missed me. I couldn't help but tear up talking to him. I got a text from tim asking me to come home so I got up, said bye to e, dried my eyes and started walking. When I passed the boys again I heard one call out "was that your boyfriend" I turnt around to reply with a solid "no" and a small smile "it's one of my best friends from back home" "back home? Where's home?" The blonde boy asked walking towards me with his friend "homes in Ohio, well I'm from Ireland but I moved to Ohio when I was 4 and I moved here yesterday... so Ohio is more like home." I replied "why do you move so much?.. if you don't mind me asking" he pushed "it's a long story and I've to go to hom- the house I'm living in... i can give you both my number so we can talk more if you want, I don't know anyone here so it would be nice." The blonde boy tried to hide his smile and passed me his phone, I put my number in and saved it as eve then passed it back "ok eve... I'm Ben and this is Corey... I'll give him your number late" I nodded ok and went home.

The rest of the day isn't worth explain.

Next morning I woke up early again, today I woke up from a message from one of the boys it didn't say who. It read 'hey eve, good morning! We were wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime today? We can give you a tour of all the best spots and it's a good chance to get to know you better, it's up to you... you don't have to of course (:' I smiled and replied 'I'd love to... where will I meet yous? Who out of the two am I talking to right now?' After sending the message I walked down stairs to get food, no one was awake, again. My phone beeped 'it's Ben, Corey doesn't wake up until around 1, on a good day... if you meet us at the mall in the Centre of town, it should be easy to find... we'll be at the front doors at 3 if that suits' I was excited to see the boys, I didn't have any friends here and they seemed so nice! 'See you then <3'

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