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"Hi, I'm Mikaela nice to- no, no, no too formal. Hola, soy Mikaela- No! Who do you think you are? Dora? Hello there I'm Mikaela." Mikaela practiced her introduction in front of her apartment's mirror.

Two days ago she had settled into an apartment which was at close proximity from Uni. They gave her the apartment with a one year prepaid rent and a three month prepaid water and electricity bill. Just enough time for her to find a job and sustain herself afterwards.

Today would be her first day as a University student and she was estatic. She desperately wanted to have a new start and a new environment to flourish, she wanted to finally be free from judgement.

Finally giving up on her soliloquy, she slung her laptop bag across her chest and a handbag in her hand, assured she had everything she need before hurriedly exiting and locking her apartment door.

When she stepped out of her building complex, an anguish feeling rose inside her chest just like the time at the airport. Her beasts were unsettled and stirring inside. She blocked their feelings out but still a small wiff of it stayed. She ignored it and sped to Uni.

Yale was only a fifteen minute walk from where she was situated but she could easily make it there in less than one if no humans were around.

Seeing as the streets were practically soulless, Mikey used her vampire speed and arrived there within seconds. She stumbled behind a tree thankful since there were some students already filing into the University yard.

She straightened herself up and emerged from her hideout. She removed her schedule for the day, along with a map of the school grounds. It had never occurred to her to request a tour of the campus during those two days, and now she was lost.

The map made zero to no sense considering she had no orientation skills. To top it off, she was in an unfamiliar environment, with new people and was an awkward goofball.

She walked confusedly around and simultaneously looked at the map and schedule, and didn't realise where she was going until she bumped into someone and fell to the hard tiled ground with a harsh thud. "Fuckin' hell!" She cursed when the pain of the impact of the fall echoed within her body. Her ears caught the sound of the other person - who had also kissed the floor - sitting back up.

He, or she, stood up and walked toward Mikey then crouched down and poked her on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" A low female voice asked her, she only awkwardly stayed silent on the ground - unmoving. The girl pushed her harder this time, evoking a small grunt. She forcefully lifted her head up, wincing slightly, and blushed at the girl.

She was gorgeous too which made her even more embarrassed.

"This is so embarrassing..." Mikaela trailed off whilst getting herself back on her feet.

"First day, and I'm already making a fool out of myself. I was just minding my business looking for the architecture department on my schedule and PUFF! I bump into someone. How stupid can I get, ay?" She caught herself rambling and immediately wanted to facepunch herself.

"No worries, I was spacing out too, it's fine." The stranger said then they both fell in an awkward silence. In those moments, Mikaela always felt the overpowering urge to say something. And most of the time that something was stupid; and that's exactly what she did.

She groaned loudly and bizarrely extended her hand to the girl.

"I'm Mikaela Rouan, I'm new here. Well I shouldn't have been, but I missed the first semester and had to wait for the second because stupid as I am, I forgot that universities in America started differently than in England." Mikaela lied.

Half Life [#2 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now