Chapter 43: Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

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"Nico-chan," The scarlet haired says as she takes Nico's hand in hers, "There's something I would like to show you."

Dragging the petite senior along with her, Maki leads Nico to the third floor of her mansion. The two stood in front of a room that was situated directly above Maki's very own bedroom.

"What is it?" The sable haired glances between Maki and the door that stood towering before them, bewildered.

"You'll see." The crimson haired grins as she tugs the third year forward with her. Pushing the door open, Maki revealed a room that contained her prized possessions.

The twin tailed senior takes a few steps into the room before halting in her tracks, her eyes gliding across the palatial space. The room was simple and plain but sterile and sumptuous. However, what made Nico's jaw fall open in a mindless gawk was the myriad of telescopes that stood in an undeviating straight line before an immeasurably huge transparent glass window. The window was so unbelievably mammoth that it spanned almost an entire wall of the room. At the peripherals of her vision, Nico also notes that the wall to the left of the room was messily covered with a plethora of dull-looking pictures. Deafening silence stretched between the two as Nico attempted to take in the breathtaking sight before her.

"So? What do you think?" The first year finally speaks as she eyes Nico warily.

"I..." The third year gapes at Maki, searching for the right words. When words fail her, Nico returns her attention to the expensive-looking set of telescopes before her. A ghost of a smile touches Nico's lips as she stares, amazed.

"Come." The red head offers an outstretched hand to Nico, exuberance radiating off her as she grinned widely.

"This is the Orion Monster Dobsonian." The scarlet haired brings her beloved to the biggest telescope in the room, introducing it with pride. "Its 36 inches. The smallest in its line up." The first year places Nico's hand onto the glossy and gleaming surface of the telescope, urging Nico to cop a feel.

"The smallest?" The third year exclaims, nonplussed. Apprehensively, Nico drags her hand across the length of the telescope. It was smooth, its sheen remaining undisturbed by her touch.

"Yep, they have up to 50 inches." The red head flashes a lopsided grin, "Here, take a look." Maki gestures enthusiastically at the eyepiece of the gargantuan telescope, beckoning her girlfriend to take a look.

"Sadly, there is not much stars to see here in Tokyo." Maki says with a sigh as Nico peers into the telescope.

"It's still beautiful though." Awe laced the third year's voice as she spoke. The vast, seemingly empty space in the dark, night sky was filled sparsely with stars, a couple of them occasionally flickering. Shadowy clouds flowed around like thickly threaded blankets, obscuring the twinkles of a few of the stars. Yet, it was still lovely and undoubtedly captivating.

"I know. Its mesmerizing, right?" Maki says, watching as Nico continues to gaze into the telescope, enraptured.

"Come, there's more." The scarlet haired says, taking the third year's hands in hers once more after Nico finally manages to peel herself away from the giant telescope.

"This is the Pentax PF. Its only 80 millimeters." The crimson haired hands the piece of technology over to Nico, "Its lightweight and small, designed for use when one is on the move." Maki beams at the third year, glad that she managed to keep technical jargons to the minimum in her explanations.

Tentatively, the sable haired takes the telescope over from Maki. It doesn't stay long in her hands however, as Nico hands it back, afraid that she might drop it.

"What are those?" The third year gestures towards a wall in the room that was filled with picture after picture of indeterminable constellations. Pages that appeared to have been taken out of a newspaper also mingled between the countless images that hung on the wall.

"That's a picture of the Milky Way." The crimson haired brings her girlfriend closer to the display before pointing to one of the pictures, "It is estimated to contain about 400 billion stars."

"That is an article on the Tabby Star." Maki points at yet another spot on the wall, "It has puzzled many astronomers due to its unusual light fluctuations. It even had a 22% dimming in brightness."

"Many scientists believe that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, or simply put, aliens, have constructed a Dyson swarm around the Tabby star." The scarlet haired continues, "They have technology superior to ours, allowing them to harvest energy from the Tabby Star."

"Aliens?" Nico repeats, incredulous and she is vaguely reminded of Maki's beliefs in Santa Claus. The third year stifles a laugh. It doesn't go unnoticed, however.

"You find my hypothesis amusing, Miss Yazawa?" Maki's mouth is twisted with wry amusement, but her eyes are a burning violet, her expression slightly wounded.

"No, just...rather fascinating." The raven haired is quick to salvage the situation, feeling a pang of guilt as she glances at the cluster of images on the wall once more.

Wrapping an arm around the scarlet haired, Nico pulled Maki towards her and dipped the first year back into a kiss. Stunned, the first year could do nothing but return the kiss. It was a soul-wrenching melding of mouths, full of passion and sweet spontaneity.

"Thank you." The raven haired breathes when she releases Maki.

"For what?" The red head frowns, still breathless and dizzy.

"For showing me such a beautiful world." The third year explains as she flushes pink, a grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I-Its nothing." Maki murmurs as she too, breaks into a smile.

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