Chapter 13: Fears

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Nico pulled away from the first year, leaving them both breathing heavily. Thankfully, the thunderstorm had subsided, though the some rumbling from the skies could still be heard. The third year wiped the stray tear that had remained on Maki's cheek with her right thumb as Maki remained sitted on her lap. The scarlet haired rested her head back onto the third year's shoulder, her arms still wrapped around her senior.

"We should have a shower and head to bed soon." The sable haired suggested as Maki continued to embrace her. The crimson haired snuggled closer, tightening her arms that were wrapped around the third year, indicating that she was not willing to let go.

"We can't sit here all day, let's retire to our room first." Nico tried to persuade the first year as she suppressed a chuckle. It was her first time seeing Maki being so clingy and it was very cute indeed. The junior refused to budge as she remained fixated on Nico's lap, hugging her senior tightly.

"Maki-chan..." The third year persuaded once more as she unwrapped her arms from the junior, placing her hands on Maki's shoulder and tapping it lightly. The scarlet haired pulled back reluctantly, her eyes refusing to meet her senior's gaze as she stood up from Nico's lap. The raven haired smiled silently to herself, shy Maki really was a rare sight. The upperclassmen took her junior's hand in hers, leading Maki in the direction of their room.

"Do you want to shower first?" The sable haired questioned as soon as they entered the room. The crimson haired shook her head lightly as she lifted her head to meet her senior's eyes.

"Still not letting go?" Nico raised her hand that was still interlocked with the first year's, "Or do you intend to shower with me?" The sable haired teased as a smirk spread across her face. Maki gave a slight smile in response, seemingly enjoying her senior's sense of humour as she released her hand from Nico's.

-After the shower-

Maki exited the bathroom after taking her shower only to be greeted by the sight of Nico fast asleep on her bed. The first year crawled in beside Nico, joining her senior under the sheets. The presence of the first year awoke the raven haired as she turned to face Maki.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." The crimson haired wrapped her arms around Nico, snuggling closer to the third year.

"Ne, Maki-chan..." The sable haired muttered against the first year's neck.

"Mm...?" The scarlet haired pulled back just enough to see her senior's face. The raven haired sat up and Maki unwrapped her arms from the upperclassmen.

"Maki-chan, how do you usually cope with thunderstorms. I mean...before today, when I'm not around." The sable haired inquired as Maki sat up to face her. The frown fell on the first year's features as she thought about the question that Nico had just posted to her.

"Depends. If my parents are around, they would keep me company...if they aren't...I would play music on the piano or hide under my blanket with earphones on..." The crimson haired answered, suprisingly frank.

"Why would you ask that?" The junior quirked an eyebrow at her senior, receiving a shrug from Nico.

"Just curious." The sable haired gave a lopsided smile.

"What about you?" Maki questioned Nico just as the senior was about to lay back down and resume sleeping

"Me?" Nico's tone was confused, not understanding the first year's question.

"The roller coaster thing..." The scarlet haired specified as she eyed her senior warily, wondering if it was a too sensitive topic to be asking.

"I don't was a fear I discovered when I was around the age of 11. Never did sit one again until earlier today." The raven haired replied, equally forthright much to Maki's suprise. The crimson haired laid back down onto the bed, indicating that it would be the end of their midnight conversation. The senior followed suit, pulling the sheets over them as Maki wrapped her arms around Nico once more. The room plunged into deep silence as the two μ's members gradually drifted off to sleep.

-The next morning-

"Nico-chan, it's morning." Maki caressed the third year's back with her palm, hoping that a little more movement would aid in waking the senior. The raven haired shook her head lightly, establishing her reluctance as her face remained hidden beneath the sheets. The scarlet haired pulled back, enjoying the view of Nico sleeping and at the same time allowing the sunlight that streamed in to shine on the third year's face. The sable haired cringed in response, wriggling to hide furthur into the blanket. The crimson haired suppressed a chuckle at the sight as she sat up, pulling Nico along with her.

"No..." The third year whined at she rested her head onto the Maki's shoulder, still unwilling to open her eyes. Deciding to be kind, the first year settled her senior back into the bed, pulling the sheets over Nico.

"I'll let you sleep for another 15 minutes before waking you for breakfast." The scarlet haired leaned down to plant a fleeting kiss on Nico's forehead before pulling back and shifting off the bed. The first year caught a glimpse of Nico's smile before she exited the room, leaving the third year to rest a little more.

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