Chapter 32: School

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"Maki-chan, you like photography don't you?" Nico inquires as they both stepped out of the steamy bathroom, each having a towel hung on their necks. The third year thought of having a look at Maki's photography skills.

"Yes. Why?" The first year's choice of words were monosyllabic, a sign of disinterest.

"Do you have a camera of your own then?" The third year continues her 'interrogation' as she follows the stoic scarlet haired out of the room and down the stairs.

"No." The crimson haired mutter in response, the current topic reminding her of something unpleasant. The two headed for the dining table where a spread of dishes had already been laid out for them.

"Why not?" The sable haired continues to prob as she slipped onto the chair opposite of Maki. The first year remains silent as she digs into the breakfast that has been prepared for the both of them.

"Maki-chan, you listening?" The twin tailed senior reached out to wave her hand in front of Maki, "Why don't you have a camera? You should jump at the chance of taking pictures of the to-be world's number 1 idol, you know?" The scarlet haired glance up at Nico before shrugging in response. The sable haired frowns.

"Maybe." The crimson haired said after she swallowed a mouthful, "We should get ready for school soon." Maki went for a change in topic, avoiding Nico's eye contact altogether. Sensing the first year's unease, Nico decides to drop her questions. At least, for the time being.

-After breakfast-

"No, no, no." The raven haired held her set of uniform close to her chest as she waved her hand dismissively, "I don't need help with this." The domestic helper finally acquiesces, Nico's unyielding rejection causing her to depart silently. The scarlet haired on the other hand, stood with one hand outstretched as her domestic helper conveniently slips her blouse on for her.

"Maki-chan, is this how you get ready for school all the time?" Nico questions the first year, slightly appalled as she watched the domestice helper don Maki in their school uniform. The first year turned her head slightly to face Nico as she nodded with a raised brow, not understanding how Nico found it unusual.

"Do you know how to dress by yourself then?" Nico gulped, not wanting to receive a less than optimistic answer.

"Of course I do, I'm not an invalid. It's just because Mama insists that they help me since she says I'm too insouciant." The scarlet haired resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the senior's farcical question.

"You are very insouciant."

"That's not the main point, that's a moot point."

*Quibbling continues*

After much of an incalculable fuss, the two were finally out the door and were making their way to school. Soon, the two were settled in their respective classroom, wondering idly about what the other was doing while the lecturer droned on and on. When the bell rang as an indication of the day coming to an end, the third year leaped out of her seat, nearly smashing the ceiling with her head as she bolted out of her classroom. When she reached Maki's classroom, she found most of the first years ambling out and heading off. She passed by Hanayo and Rin and after much denying that she wasn't here to look for Maki, she managed to wave off the two and continued her journey towards her destination.

Upon arriving at the first year's classroom, she caught sight of the scarlet haired, sitting at her desk with seemingly no one else in sight. The first year had her cellphone held close to her ear as a sombre aura radiated off her. Nico frowned as she inched forward, cautiously approaching the redhead.

"Yes Papa," Maki's words freezes the third year in her tracks. Was this something she shouldn't be hearing? Deciding to give Maki some privacy, she abandoned her plan of approaching her girlfriend temporarily.

"I understand, I will." The scarlet haired mutters before hanging up.

"Maki-chan?" The sable haired enquires tentatively, "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yea..." Though slightly startled by the third year's sudden entrance, Maki manages a reply.

"Maki-chan, do you want to walk home together?" Nico approaches the first year's desk and leans over, propping herself on her elbows.

"Sorry Nico-chan, I have work to be completing." The scarlet haired drags a pile of worksheet out from her under desk and places them on her table.

"Oh..." Nico moves, not wanting to obstruct Maki, "I can wait for you." The first year pauses, processing Nico's words in detail.

"I might take quite a long time, its better if you don't." Maki glances at her senior before beginning work.

"Well, I will." The raven haired pulled the seat from the desk in front of Maki's and settled herself down, silently watching the first year at work.

-To be continued-

I know this chapter is rather mundane but its just meant as a bridge. I'm going to make a few tweaks to the story from here on out, so, stay tune! ^^ This chapter is the outcome of me writing a few words every once in a while, so I hope you enjoyed it! I'll still be inactive for some time, so I guess, catch you guys next time. See ya!

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