Chapter 27: Dare

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The nine μ's members were gathered at the dining hall of Maki's house, having a feast together as a form of celebration for Nico's 'freedom'.

"Kanpai!" They all cheered as they clinked their wine glasses—filled with orange juice—together. After a scrumptious dinner, they had settled for a game of truth of dare, as a way to cure boredom.

"I want to spin it!" A particular sable haired third year volunteered eagerly, her hand darting out to rest on the sacred bottle that laid in the middle of the circle they had formed. Having no other objections, Nico was immediately given the position of being the bottle spinner. The game began with no preamble, the first lucky—or unlucky—winner was Umi. The bluenette played safe, choosing truth.

"Is there someone you like, as a romantic partner?" Nice sneers, an impish smile playing on her lips as she watch the bluenette blush crimson.

"Y-yes..." Umi averts the gaze of the other eight, focusing on her thumbs that twiddled on her lap. Everyone seemed to let out a slight chuckle at Umi's answer except for a particular light-brown haired second year.

The activity proceeds the next person chosen person being Rin. The latter stuck with truth, thereby Nico was to throw her a question.

"What do you think of the number one super idol, Nico-chan?"

"What kind of question is that?!" Umi half yells, feeling more than slightly affronted by the vast difference in yhe questions they were given.

"I guess, confident and...slightly..." The first year scratched her head as if trying to find the right word, "Slightly...just slightly, narcissistic?" Rin gives an honest reply and an apologetic smile, earning a glower from her senior.

"Right..." Though slightly affronted, Nico chooses to pay no heed as she spins the bottle for the third time that night.

The bottle spun graciously before slowing to a halt, pointing towards a particular first year, Maki. "Oh! Maki-chan!" Nico exclaimed, "Truth or dare?" The third year purred as she clasped her hands together, wickedly elated.

"Dare." The scarlet haired muttered impassively, seemingly unfazed by the taunting.

"Give Nico a kiss." Nozomi cuts in before Nico could decide on what kind of dare to be issuing.


"On the lips." The violet haired third year clarifies with a smirk.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Nyaa~" Rin cheers, clapping her hands together eagerly.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Honoka starts a chant after Rin, following which the rest of the μ's members joined in.

"Wait!" Nico holds her hand up to stop the restless chanting, "Aren't I suppose to be the one—"

"You can't, not for this round. You're bound to go easy on Maki." Nozomi cut in, "Am I right?" She directed her question to the rest of the members.

"Yes!" They echoed in unison, in complete support of Nozomi's analysis. Nico turned to stare at Maki, seeing that the first year hadn't uttered anything amidst all the chaos.

"Go on, nyaa~" Rin exclaimed at she shove Nico to sit beside Maki.

"Can't we do something else?" The scarlet haired was blushing furiously as she tried to squirm out of the awkward situation.

"Nope." Eli joined in, rejecting Maki's suggestion flatly.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Honoka started her chanting yet again.

"Alright, alright!" The raven haired sighed in defeat as she turned to face Maki.

"Y-You're going to c-concede just like that?" Maki stuttered as Nico leaned in closer.

"It can't be helped, can it?" Nico said, glancing around at the members who had gathered closer around them, "Besides, its an honor for you to be getting a kiss from Japan's number one Idol, Nico-chan alright." The crimson haired gulped in response, more concerned about the impending dare than the fact that Nico was being egotistical.

"Hey, wait." Nico pulled back, "Its her dare, not mine. Why am I being pulled into this?"

"Quit stalling, Nico-chan." Hanayo said, causing everyone to nod furiously in agreement.

"Hanayo, even you?" Maki asked, slightly appalled. Silence fell over all of them as the 7 μ's members stared at the couple expectantly. Since it was her dare, Maki took their silence as her queue as she slowly inched forward. Their breaths quickened and their face blushed bright red. Under the scrutinity of 7 other females, they have to kiss. Nico froze stock still as the scarlet haired first year tilted her head slightly, closing the distance between them inch by inch. The other μ's members huddled closer, curiosity getting the better of them.

"STOP!" A particular bluenette hollered from behind the crowd. Umi had both her hands covered over her eyes, obviously not wanting to witness the kissing scene displayed in front of her.

"Stop?" 8 of them echoed Umi's words back to her in confusion.

"I-I think we've had e-enough of t-truth o-or dare." Umi stuttered, her face even redder than the two couple.

"Umi is right. Its late, we should head home." Eli adds as Honoka and Rin let out a sigh of disappointment.

"You can continue your kiss later." Nozomi gives the couple a playful wink as they abandoned their seats on the floor as they gathered their belongings and headed for the door.

"Nozomi..." Nico mutters indignantly, seemingly affronted by how far the purple haired would actually take her teasings. The 7 members were up and gone while the two were still stunned from the sudden change in direction. They did have to thank Umi for saving them though.

"Bye~ Congrats again, Nico-chan!" Kotori said with a glee as they exited Maki's extravagant mansion. After saying all their goodbyes and well wishes, Nico shut the door, leaving only herself and her girlfriend left in the apartment.

"Let's take our shower." Nico suggested, "Separately." She clarified after garnering a raised brow from the crimson haired. After taking their separate showers, they slipped under the duvet. With Maki's arms wrapped around the senior, they got ready to catch some sleep.

-To be continued-

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