Chapter 29: Your turn

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Note: This chapter will be a continuation from the previous chapter, so it would be a lemon as well. For those who do not enjoy such content, as usual, please steer clear. Enjoy! :)

"Your turn." Nico says as she pushed at Maki's shoulder, rolling over such that she was hovering above the first year.

"Ueeh?!" The scarlet haired gasp in suprise as the tables were suddenly turned on her.

"You're still fully dressed, that's not fair you know." Nico sat on the first year, straddling her as her tiny hands proceeded to start unbottoning Maki's blouse. Maki stilled in response, gazing at Nico with her wide amethyst eyes before speaking.

"I never mentioned I would play fair..." Maki said as Nico slid the blouse off her arms.

"Oh?" The raven haired feasted her eyes on the vulnerable first year that laid before her. Trailing one finger from the bottom of Maki's neck to her chest, Nico noted with interest how sexy her girlfriend looked in black lacy bra. Maki's breath hitched in response, though she was flushing beet red, her expression remained deadpan, giving nothing away.

Leaning down, the third years reaches behind to unclip Maki's bra, freeing the scarlet haired's breast from the unwanted restrain. Without furthur ado, the third year closes her mouth over one of the perk bud, eliciting a moan from Maki. Encouraged by the first year's response, Nico proceeds to rub on the other hardened nipple with two fingers. Maki writhed and moaned helplessly under her senior's expert touch, her recent bath experience making her skin hyper-sensitive. Satisfied, Nico proceeds to trail light kisses down towards Maki's stomach, making her way furthur south. Slowly, Nico inched closer and closer to Maki's waist, causing the first year to fluster.

"N-N-Nico-chan!" Maki stuttered, in attempt to slow down the third year. The sable haired however, did not seem to bother as she proceeded to slide Maki's pajama pants off, revealing Maki's long and sexy legs. Embarassed by the amount of skin she was revealing, Maki attempts to squish her legs together. Nico places her hands on both of Maki's inner thighs, pushing her legs wider. Teasingly, Nico continues to administer light, fleeting kisses from Maki's navel all the way down to her inner thigh. With her nose, Nico gave Maki's clit a soft nudge, the small pressure causing a shockwave of pleasure to shoot through Maki.

"Argh!" The scarlet haired gripped onto the duvet as her body bows and convulses at Nico's touch, "N-Nico!" Maki beseeches, causing Nico to snicker in response. Nico shifts, moving back up to hover above the first year. Gazing down at the crimson haired with a wide grin plastered across her face.

"I love how only I get to see you like this." The raven haired teases as she leans down to kiss the scarlet haired, sweetly and passionately. Maki wrinkles her nose in annoyance though choosing to say nothing to retort. She was too preoccupied with the ardent desire she felt, her heart beating a frantic tattoo. Leaning back to stare down at Maki, Nico finds herself breathless from the intensity of the amethyst eyes that burn into hers. Acknowledging the first year's silent plea, Nico slides Maki's panties off, leaving the crimson haired stark naked.

"Wow. You're very wet." Nico comments in suprise as her finger skims over the entrance of Maki's sex. The red haired gasps in response, her face blushing beet red at the remark that was passed by her senior. Using her index finger, Nico rubs gently at the sensitive spot, causing Maki to whimper. By now, the first year was losing all sense of self, every atom of her being concentrating hard on the small, potent powerhouse at the apex of her thighs.

Very slowly, Nico eases her middle finger inside Maki, causing the first year's legs to go rigid. Nico stills, allowing time for the scarlet haired to familiarize and accept the intrusive feeling of her finger. "Yes." Maki mutters breathlessly, giving Nico the cue to proceed. Nico slides her finger deeper inside, moving in a wide circle, stretching and pulling at the first year. Maki squeezes her eyes shut, trying to absorb and manage all the sensations the sable haired was creating. Gradually, Nico starts to move, her finger sliding in and out in a rhythmic pace. Involuntarily, Maki's hips start swaying and moving of their own accord, grinding and matching the rhythm of Nico. Maki's entire body tightens and clenches, begging for relief, until she could no longer deny it.

With a cry, Maki lets go, losing all cogent thought as orgasm seizes her, wringing her insides again and again. Clutching tightly onto Nico's bare back, the world dips from view, the force of the climax rendering everything null and void. Nico watches on, amused and aroused as she stills her finger, allowing Maki to spiral down from the intense climax. Nico retracts her finger, causing Maki to wince at the unfamiliarity.

"Did I hurt you?" The third year inquires, panic seizing her momentarily.

"No." The crimson haired replies with a weak smile, completely and utterly spent, "You just left me bereft." Maki murmurs, her eyes sliding shut sleepily.

"Your stamina is pretty low, you know?" Nico observes, causing Maki's eyes to spring open. The third year stares down endearingly at the slightly flushed and still dazzled Maki, her weight supported by both her elbows. Gazing back at the raven haired, Maki was slightly affronted. However, as she was too exhausted to argue, the first year gave a sigh as her heavy eyelids slide back to a close.

Smiling at the sight, Nico rested her propped elbows as she laid, splayed out on top of the scarlet haired, her full weight pressing down on Maki. Maki raised one arm and placed it on Nico's back, bringing Nico into a lazy embrace as she makes no move to buck the third year off. Elated at Maki's acceptance, the raven haired snuggled up to her before pulling the sheets over the both of them. Nico rested her head at the crook of the first year's neck as she too, rested her eyes.

"Good night, Maki-chan."
"Good night, Nico-chan."

-To be continued-

Well, that marks the end of my very first lemon. I'm not sure how well I did and I really do hope I hadn't disappointed those who have been waiting eagerly for this. As such, I would really appreciate it if you would leave comments. You can let me know if you liked the lemon and would hope to see more in future or if you have a particular idea you would like to see be added into the story, feel free to share as well! Positive or negative comments are both welcomed as I'm keeping an open mind and looking to improve, but, no hate please! :) With that, thank you for your reading and support, see you next week! ^-^

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