Chapter 13 *EDITED*

352 18 4

Ryan's POV

Her reaction was totally unexpected.

She hugged me tightly, squeezing the air out of me. I chuckled and hugged her back, the smell of her jasmine perfume making me feel high.

"So, you actually like it?" I asked tentatively, not actually believing the fact that she's here.

I've never brought anyone to this spot, and the magic barrier I put up keep humans and other supernaturals away. Since Cleo was with me, it allowed her to pass through.

"Are you crazy?! I love it here! I might move in here permanently!" She said, looking around in delight.

We were currently above the waterfall. I admit, it took my breath away the first day I stumbled across it. The clear water plummeted down a rocky ledge a little more than 12 feet. The rocks around it was covered with lush green moss, and here and there vines with delicate looking flowers wrapped themselves around any available surface. A light mist of water droplets sprayed around, adding to the tranquillity. The cascade of water fell into a clear pool below, thus creating the booming sound.

I chuckled lightly as Cleo sprinted around the place, with a look of pure euphoria on her face. I sat down on the lush grass, picking at the green blades while watching Cleo. She saw me watching her and smiled at me, making her way towards me. I smiled back, patting the grass next to me, signalling her to sit with me. She sat down and sighed happily.

We were there for hours, enjoying the company of each other. We talked about our past, a bond forming between us. Of course, I couldn't tell her my real past and background, I'll have to wait for the right time. I didn't want to overload her information, especially if it leads to me losing her trust. I told her that I only had my mother, losing my dad in bomb explosion. I didn't have any siblings, and my mom and I distanced ourselves from our relatives after my dad's death. Cleo listened attentively, humming softly to comfort me. My eyes started to sting, and I blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the tears. I changed the subject quickly by starting to talk about Buddy. Cleo grinned widely when I told her about my dog, laughing in amusement when I told her about the time Buddy got spooked by a frog.

"Wanna go for a swim?" she asked me, getting up and brushing grass off the jeans.

"Yeah sure, why not. But how are we gonna get to the base of the waterfall?" I questioned, scratching my head, as Cleo walked over to the ledge.

With a laugh, Cleo jumped off, head first into the pool below, followed by a huge splash. Without thinking, I ran towards the ledge and jumped off, teleporting to the edge of the shore at the last minute. I looked around but I couldn't spot Cleo anywhere.

"Cleo! Where are you?!" I called out frantically.


"Cleo!" I yelled, panic settling into my nerves. I waded into the water till I was waist-deep.

"Cleo, it's not funny anymore!" I yelled again, moving in deeper. I listened, trying to hear anything that might pinpoint her location.


With a yell of triumph, Cleo jumped on to me from behind. Startled at the sudden ambush, I fell into the water. Gasping I came up for air, to find Cleo laughing her head off.

"Very funny." I grumbled, trying to get the water out of my eyes.

"Oh God, you should've seen your face! You- you-" She laughed, tears streaming down her face as she clutched her stomach. Her clothes were soaking wet like mine, her limp ponytail hanging behind her, water streaming down her back.

Damn, it's hard to be mad at her when she looks so adorable.

Without thinking, I cupped my palms around her cheeks, tilting her head upwards. She stared into my eyes, her dark brown eyes engraving into my soul. My eyes flickered down to her lips, an involuntary shiver running down my spine. Leaning in, I tenderly placed my lips on hers. She put her hands around my neck and pulled me closer. I tangled my fingers in her wet hair as our lips moved in sync, our noses brushing and a feeling of pure bliss settled over me.

Hesitantly I pulled away, afraid of her reaction. Sure, she kissed me back, but did she really mean to? She had her eyes closed, but opened them slowly and stared at me. Shit. She's going to kill me now. "I'm sorry Cleo, I wasn't thinking straight - it's just tha-" I trailed off, unsure what to do. 'Nice work you douchebag. Now she's gonna hate you for the rest of eternity. And it's your first date! Damn you, Ryan fucking Miles!' My conscience yelled at me. 'Shut up' I grumbled back.

"Ryan?" Cleo questioned, staring at me in amusement. I looked at her questionably, wondering what was so funny. "You're frowning at yourself." She giggled. "Am I? I'm sorry it's just-" I was cut off by her lips smashing on mine. I replied back instantly. Her fingers ran through my hair, giving a slight tug now and then. Giving an inaudible moan I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "We should get going, the sun's setting." Cleo murmured against my lips. "In a minute." I replied, and kissed her again, feeling her smile against my own.


Do your thing people!! XD

Love y'all! - Yasora ♡♥♡

The Dragon Queen: Truth UnknownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon