Chapter 16 - Part II *EDITED*

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Jacob's POV

When we got to our rooms, we found Ryx outside Cleo's door with his head pressed against the wood. Inside, we could hear what was equal to World War III. The sound of glass shattering to pieces, ripping of fabrics and what sounded like the sofa being thrown could be heard. I sighed, shaking my head. This wasn't good. The damages could be paid for, but Cleo's mood was worrying. I've never seen her so upset. Suddenly everything went quiet. Ryx perked his ears, trying to understand what happened. Then came the sickening sound of tearing flesh and cracking bones, followed by Cleo's agonizing screams. We jumped in surprise, Kayla's eyes widening in shock. Ryx threw himself at the door, trying to break the lock. The door buckled but stood firm. Growling in fear and anger, Ryx threw his entire weight against the door, successfully breaking it in half. We rushed inside and what we saw made our hearts stop beating.

In the middle of a pool of torn clothes and blood laid Cleo, hugging herself with her head on her knees. Surrounding her body were two enormous black wings, covered in her blood.

Kayla screamed in horror as Ryx rushed to Cleo's side. He kneeled beside her, the blood on the floor seeping into his trousers. "Cleo, talk to me, what happened?! Are you okay? Oh Goddess what happened..." he trailed off, his face turning pale. Cleo looked up at him, her eyes ink black. "Get your filthy hands off me pup!" She hissed in anger, lashing her nails at Ryx's face. Rryx was too shocked to dodge, resulting in four thin slashes across his right cheek. He scampered back, holding his face. Cleo got up, her wings unfurling into there full size, the sight holding a beautiful yet deadly image of her new power.

She slinked over to the wardrobe, grabbed the door and pulled it off it's hinges, throwing it across the room as if it was a mere dirty rag. She pulled out a black dress and put it on as we watched in uncertainty and fear. This wasn't the Cleo we knew and loved, this was a monster in her place, a demonic species I've never encountered. 'Let her free' Xaa's voice whispered in my mind. My instincts argued. I wanted to run up to her and stop her from hurting herself, but I respected Xaa's decision and held myself back. Ryx attempted to move towards her, but I put my arm against his chest. He growled at me. "Let me get her, Jacob! She's in danger!" I shook my head. "Xaa said to let her free." "To hell with Xaa! I'm not losing my sister!" He snarled and moved towards Cleo.

But Cleo was faster.

She hissed at him and ran towards the balcony.

"Cleo don't!" Kayla screamed.

But it was too late.

She jumped.

Her wings caught the air and lifted her up.

And she flew away.

Into the darkness of the night.

Leaving us with the Truth Unknown.

____________THE END_____________

Okay guys! This is end of this book, please vote and comment, and I'll be starting the sequel soon.

Goals for this book:

✔10K reads
✔400 votes

When we reach this goal I'll be putting up the first chapter of the new book! Keep this book in your library because I'll let you know the book's name in another chapter. 

Love y'all!

The Dragon Queen: Truth UnknownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant