Chapter 7 *EDITED*

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Cleo's POV

When we reached London, it was 11.00 am. There was a light drizzle of rain but otherwise it was quite warm. As soon as we landed we were escorted to a SAC private hotel, exclusively for assassins. The SAC owns a lot of companies like hotels, hospitals, airports, apartments, motor companies and a lot more. Our rooms were on the 13th floor. The boys' rooms were 1323 and 1324 and Kayla's and my rooms were 1325 and 1326.

Using the security code the receptionist gave me, I opened the richly decorated wooden door to my room, and my jaw hit the floor. It was awesome. The walls were a deep blood red with golden designs. There was a king sized bed with rich red and gold bedding, with about a million pillows of various sizes, all with the red and gold designs. There was a 64 inch LCD TV opposite to the bed and a table with two chairs on the right side. There was a black leather sofa on the left with a mini fridge next to it. There were two doors and the first one was a walk in wardrobe. The second door lead to a huge bathroom. The bathroom was black and white with all the modern styles.

While I stood gawking at my dream bedroom, the others came in and made themselves comfortable, as in sprawling on my bed and couch. The guys were fighting over the T.V remote and Kayla was flipping through a tourist magazine. I joined Kayla on the bed and looked for a good coffee shop nearby. I love coffee, especially cappuccino. I found a good one that was only a 5 minute walk away. Feeling tired after the long flight, I grabbed some clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom. But before I could even step inside, my phone started ringing. Giving an angry growl I grabbed it from the table and looked at the caller ID. It was the SAC, so I quickly answered.

"Hey Cleo, I emailed the details of your targets, you will find everything you need in the email." Layla said.

"Okay." I said, giving some hand signals to the others to inform that I was talking with Layla. They all crowded around me, shamelessly eavesdropping. I glared at them.

"Extra weapons are in a hidden compartment in the back of your wardrobe, the others have their own weapons in their wardrobes as well. Any problems?" She asked finally.

"How many targets are we talking about?" I asked her.

"Only 22, the SAC took care of 47 minor targets, so you only have to concentrate on the major 22. Okay?" Layla said.

"Okay no problem, anything else I should be informed on?" I questioned.

"Hmm... now that you asked, give me a sec." Layla mumbled and I heard the sound of papers being ruffled.

"Oh yeah! All the 'Silver Arrows' members have a tattoo of an arrow on the back of their necks, with the letters 'S.A'. Hope that was important." Layla said.

"Yeah that's quite important, it'll make it easier for me. Bye then." I replied. I was going to hang up when Layla quickly spoke.

"Wait! Don't hang up! I got good news for you guys." I said, and I could feel her smiling.

"What's that?" I asked, getting a little confused, because the last good thing that happened to me was when I joined the SAC, and that was 2 years ago.

"Well... since you four are our best assassins, we thought you deserved a break. So you guys have a two month holiday, starting right after you finish this mission!" Layla said, and I could feel that she was genuinely happy for us.

Kayla, Ryx and Jacob, who were still eavesdropping, gave whoops and jumped around. Jacob hugged Kayla and twirled her around. Kayla blushed and giggled. I swear those two have a thing for each other. And I spied Ryx nearby, ready to pounce on me as soon as I finished the call. "Thanks Layla! That was really nice of you, I gotta go now. Bye!" I said scurrying towards the bathroom. "Bye! Have fun!" she said, hanging up. I threw my phone to who knows where as Ryx gave a battle cry and launched himself on me. I quickly shut the bathroom door, resulting in an 'oof' from Ryx followed by a groan. I giggled to myself as I stepped into the bath, the warm water relaxing my tired muscles.


"Hey Cleo, better check out the email now." Kayla said, knocking on the bathroom door. I groaned and got out and dried myself. I quickly got dressed and checked myself in the mirror.

A dark purple top and a pair of black denims and my favourite pair of converse. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my lip balm. When I stepped into the bedroom I was attacked by a pissed Ryx.

"Get off me you cockroach!" I yelled at him. He stopped attacking me and raised an eyebrow. "Out of everything, you picked the cockroach?" I shrugged and went to where Kayla was. She was staring intently at the laptop screen. I snapped my fingers and she jumped and looked at me sheepishly. "Is that the email?" I asked her, nodding towards the laptop screen. She nodded at me and turned the laptop towards me.

I scrolled through the information, memorizing all the faces of the gang. There were 8 women and the rest were men. When I reached the last man I froze.

He was smoking hot. Little shivers ran down my spine as I allowed my eyes to study his features. His hair was raven black like mine. He had sharp features, and his muscles were visible through his black top. He had a strange tattoo on his left arm, but part of it was covered cause of his top. I was weirdly fascinated by the tattoo but I shrugged it off. But what caught my eyes were his eyes. They were a mixture of brown and gold, the top starting with gold and slowly shading into a dark brown. He held an aura of power, good thing I'm strong willed because if it was someone else they would have got on their knees if they met him. I checked his details.

Name: Ryan Miles

A shiver went down my spine, my mind was screaming the name over and over again and it made me feel giddy. Annoyed with my childish behaviour, I mentally slapped myself and read the rest.

Age: 21

This annoying voice was going 'ooh la la!' inside my head but I ignored it and kept on reading.

Species: Unknown

That did it. My head was on the verge of explosion. All the others were vampires, or half breeds. But him...That annoying voice was telling me that I'll find out his kind... soon... very soon.

I slammed shut the laptop, making everyone jump. Cursing under my breath, I grabbed my daggers and favourite gun and some poisons and hid them in my leather jacket. It was specially designed to have hidden pockets that allowed me to carry weapons with ease, and it also has some mechanism so that the metals won't be caught by any metal detectors. I put on my jacket and mumbled about going to the coffee shop and ran out. I got into the lift and as soon as it reached the ground floor I rushed out. I

nodded at the receptionist and went out in to the busy streets.

I soon found the cafe and went inside, the aroma of coffee calming my freaked out nerves. I ordered a cappuccino and a chocolate bun and sat down near the window. I looked around. There weren't many people, only an old couple and a man sitting alone to the right of me, reading a newspaper.

Something was off about him. I studied him closely. My eyes widened and I almost gasped before I bit my lip, trying to swallow the gasp. It was one of the gang members! Just to make sure I crumbled a tissue and threw it over him, so it landed on his right. He turned to look at it and I got a quick look at his neck. Yes, he had the arrow. He must have sensed someone staring at him because he turned around sharply. But right on time the waitress came and his view was obstructed. I heard an annoyed grunt and took a peek to see him staring at the newspaper, giving an occasional glance at me.

I mentally gave myself an evil smile before turning his way and batting my lashes and giving him a wink. He gave me a smirk and got up. Before he could come over I got up and walked outside, making sure I swayed my hips, even though it was making me gag at the thought of him touching me. I heard him come behind me and I made my way towards a dark alley, looking behind me to give him a smirk. He smirked back and I could saw that his eyes were filled with lust. I walked into the alley, giving myself another evil grin.

'This is going to be very interesting...'

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