28| Pizza To The Resuce

696 30 7

( Your Everyday Walmart)

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

Walmart phone

"Hello this is customer service, My name is Charles. How can I help you?"

"Yes, can I have a pepperoni pizza please?"

"Amanda this isn't a pizza place. This is Walmart."

"Can you add extra pepperoni?"*sniff*

"Amanda, are you getting pizza? Can you ask for extra pepperoni?"

"Amanda I'll call the police okay."

"I'll give you my address. 726 Bleach Line."

"Your both going to be okay, I'll be there if you need me."

"Yes please thank you! I'll pay cash."

"You girls hide in the closet or attic before the police get there and do not get out of the there until I yell your name."

"Yes, Thank you."

- hang up -

"Yes, I like to report a problem..."

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