14| Tired

719 23 9

( Your Everyday Walmart)

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

1:30 pm-Sunday
Walmart phone

"Hello this is customer service, My name is Charles. How can I help you?"

"Hey, Charles." *sniff*

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm tired."

"Tired Of What?"

"Everything, I just want to go home."

"Don't you have someone to call?"

"No, my parents are at work and I don't have anyone else."

"I can't really get out of my job but why not call a Uber or go on a bus?"

"How come I didn't think of that? Thank you so much!"

"Don't cry, and if there's anything else I could do I would, but I don't want to lose my job. Maybe go home and take a nice bath? Or eat something?"

"Yeah I will...thank you Charles."

- hang up -

"How come there's more to the story?"

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